How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (2024)

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Learn how to draw a great looking Football Player with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Football Player.

​Step by Step Instructions for Drawing​ a Football Player

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (1)

How to Draw a Great Looking Football Player for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (2)

1. Begin by drawing an irregular shape, like a rounded rectangle with a bulge on each side. This outlines the opening in the football player's helmet. Draw a curved line from one side of the opening to the other, parallel to the top of the opening; use another curved line to do the same on the bottom of the opening. Then, draw a curved line like a half circle above this figure, indicating the top of the helmet's outer shell.

Easy Football Player Drawing - Step 2

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (3)

2. Draw a curved line beneath the helmet, outlining the face mask. Then, draw several pairs of lines across the opening of the face mask.

Easy Football Player Drawing - Step 3

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (4)

3. Draw a long, curved line downward from the helmet, outlining the player's back. Use three curved lines to craft the sleeve, and additional curved lines to outline the arm, noting the bend in the elbow. Use long, narrow "U" shaped lines to outline the fingers and enclose the hand. Sketch a wristband using two curved lines.

Easy Football Player Drawing - Step 4

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (5)

4. Draw in the rest of the player's shirt. Use a "V" to form the neck, and rectangular shapes to indicate the number on the front of the uniform. Use curved lines to enclose the shape of the shirt. Note the short lines that add detail around the neck and under the arms.

Easy Football Player Drawing - Step 5

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (6)

5. Use two curved lines to outline the remaining arm, and another line to indicate the wristband. Then, draw the football. Use two curved lines that meet in gentle points to outline the ball, and band it with two sets of parallel lines. Draw curved lines parallel to the outline of the ball to add texture. Note the "U" shaped lines that form fingers at the top of the ball.


How to Draw a Football

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Easy Football Player Drawing - Step 6

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (10)

6. Use long, curved lines to outline the pants. Note the short curved lines that indicate folds in the fabric.

Easy Football Player Drawing - Step 7

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (11)

7. Detail the helmet and face. Stripe the helmet with two sets of parallel lines. Draw the nose and eyebrows using curved lines. Sketch the eyes using a shaded circle within a larger circle.

Add More Details to Your Football Player Picture - Step 8

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (12)

8. Extend a pair of curved lines downward from each pant leg. These lines form the player's lower legs.


How to Draw a Baseball Player

How to Draw a Baseball

How to Draw a Football Helmet

Complete the Outline of Your Football Player Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (16)

9. Use a curved line at the bottom of each foot to enclose the irregular shape of the player's shoes.

Color Your Football Player Drawing

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (17)

10. Color your football player. What are your favorite team's colors? Then, round out your team with more tutorials from our people drawing guides.

For more great People drawing tutorials, see the 51 Simple People Drawing Ideas post.

How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (18)

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Learn More About The Football Player Drawing

Football players must wear special gear to protect themselves from injury. Most important is the helmet, which protects the head and brain. It has a hard outer shell and interior padding, as well as a face mask.

Today's helmets are much sturdier than those of the past. Before the 1950s, football helmets were made of hardened leather.

Football is a contact sport, so other precautions must also be taken. Mouthguards are used to protect the teeth. Football players wear shoulder pads and other padding to protect their bodies from impact. Gloves and special shoes are also worn.

Colors on the uniforms allow onlookers to tell the players of one team from those of the other.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Did you know? Uniform numbers in American football are more specific than in other sports. Certain numbers are worn only by players in certain positions, helping referees determine whether the rules are being followed.

Would you like to draw an athletic football player? This simple, step-by-step drawing guide is here to show you how. All you will need is a pencil or pen and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Ninja drawing, Boy drawing, and Astronaut drawing.

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How to Draw a Football Player - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (2024)


How do you draw a perfect football shape? ›

Draw the football's shape (like a sideways egg) either with rounded or pointed ends. The illustration here shows a rounded one, but footballs in real life tend to end in points. Draw two slightly curved lines near the middle. They should be mirror images of one another, as shown.

How to be a football player? ›

How to become a footballer
  1. Motivation and dedication. ...
  2. Join a football team. ...
  3. Find a football coach. ...
  4. Eat healthy and get exercise. ...
  5. Prepare to be scouted for football.

Did Sketch play football in real life? ›

Cox was born around 1998 to 1999 in Dallas, Texas. Cox attended The Woodlands Christian Academy and played linebacker for the school's football team.

How do you draw in American football? ›

For a regular season NFL game to end as a tie, firstly the teams must finish the initial four quarters with the same number of points. If that is the case the game will go to a 10-minute overtime, before which a coin will be tossed to determine who has first possession of the ball.

How to draw 2D football? ›

Draw a modest-sized hexagon at the centre of the circle to form the first guide to the shape of the ball. Join further slightly squeezed hexagons from three alternate sides of the hexagon. Fill the gaps with lines meeting on the perpendicular lines to form three pentagons.

How to draw a full body man? ›

Male Body
  1. Sketch the wire frame of the human body with these basic shapes and lines.
  2. Sketch additional shapes as a guide to create the human figure.
  3. Sketch the male figure by using the shapes as a guide. ...
  4. Draw the outline over the sketch.
  5. Erase and remove the sketch marks.
  6. Add the skin color.
  7. Add shading color or tones.

How to draw a man boy? ›

To draw a boy, start by drawing a small circle with a tail line, like a balloon with a string. Inside the circle, draw a cross section to help mark where the facial features will go. Next, sketch out the arms and legs with basic lines to start, and add small circles indicating each joint in the body.

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Things You Should Know
  1. Start your drawing with a basic wireframe sketch.
  2. Break the figure down into rough shapes to build the body.
  3. For a cartoonish look, keep the shapes and angles soft and round.
  4. To make your drawing more realistic, add in facial details and erase any unnecessary guiding lines.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.