Last update: 11 May 2016
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Received from: Notice board, troll contract (M7, 5)
Step 1: Go to the troll nest
The troll (M8, 6) can be found beside the destroyed bridge, in the eastern part of the area. Before you go down to the river, you will come across a civilian attacked by Nekkers. Kill the monsters and talk with the man about the troll. You will mention the prize offered for the monster, however the man will try to convince you not to kill it and instead head to Chorab (M7, 16) to talk with him about the troll. You have two possible paths now:
- Kill the troll. Description in Step 2, Option A.
- Talk with Chorab. Description in Step 2, Option B.
Step 2, Option A: Kill the troll
If you decide to kill the troll, go down the rock ledges to the river - you will notice the monster sitting by the bridge. The creature will ask you for vodka - if you don't have any, it won't let you cross the bridge (which is destroyed anyway) and the fight will begin. It consists of two parts - around the moment when you take half of his life, he will ask you to stop. You have two options:
- Listen to the troll. Skip to Step 2, Option B.
- Kill the troll.
Notice! By killing the troll, you won't be able to acquire the good armor formula
The second part of the battle is almost identical, with one minor difference. If you get away from the monster, it will start tossing rocks at you, so try to fight him at close distance and not go away too far. The troll isn't a demanding enemy and Yrden will be more than enough. If needed, you can also use Quen in case you jump away too far and the troll throws a rock at you. Don't forget to search the monster after killing it.
Notice! Killing the troll you will give you the Troll Tongue - don't forget to search him. It's connected with Melitele's Heart.
Step 3: Collect your reward from Louis Marse
After the troll is dead, go to Louis Marse (M7, 15) and collect your reward. His apartment in just to the left of one of the main gates.
Prize: 125 XP
Step 2, Option B: Talk with Chorab about the troll
Chorab (M7, 16) can be found in Lobinden, probably beside his house or wandering around the area.
Notice! Instead of going to Chorab, you can head directly to the troll and ask it what happened (Step 3), however you won't receive 200 orens reward from the civilian.
Step 3: Head to the troll nest
If you decide to kill the troll, go down the rock ledges to the river - you will notice the monster sitting by the bridge. The creature will ask you for vodka - if you don't have any, it won't let you cross the bridge (which is destroyed anyway) and the fight will begin. It consists of two parts - around the moment when you take half of his life, he will ask you to stop. You have two options:
- Listen to the troll.
- Kill the troll. Skip to Step 2, Option A
Notice! By killing the troll, you won't be able to acquire the good armor formula.
If you decide to listen the troll out, you will learn why he's drinking - someone has murdered his she-troll. You will decide to find the murderers and therefore convince the troll to quit drinking aside and repair the bridge.
Step 4: Find out what happened with the she-troll
If you're wondering who might need a dead she-troll, you might consider asking a magician. The only one you've met is Sheala, who can be found in the room above the tavern (M7, 3). She will tell you that the head wouldn't be useful as an alchemic ingredient, but would make a good trophy.
Notice! Sheala can be found in her room above the tavern after you finish Indecent Proposal.
Notice! The she troll's head can be acquired only by winning in dice poker with Sendler, however before finishing Poker Face: Flotsam, as otherwise you won't be able to get the head and receive the precious armor formula from the troll.
Notice! If you already finished Poker Face: Flotsam, you won't be able to get the she-troll's head and therefore the troll tongue needed for Melitele's Heart. You will have to kill the troll to get the desired ingredient.
Go to the tavern, where you will find Zoltan. You will learn that a troll's head would be a very good trophy, which someone might want to hang on the wall. It's worth to start your search from Lobinden. You won't have to search too far, as the head is inside Chorab's house (M7, 8). When asked how he got it, he will tell that he had bought it from Dmitri. He doesn't know where Dmitri himself is, however his people often reside in the tavern.
Step 5: Talk with Dmitri's men in the tavern
Go into meditation and rest till night. Afterwards head to the lower level of the tavern (M7, 3) - the stairs are right beside the entrance, on the right. Inside the fight room, you will find Dmitri's subordinate - Dhun. Talk with him about the she-troll. The man won't be eager to help, but intimidation or a fist fight (QTE) will help you in getting the needed information. You will learn that the bandit responsible for killing the she-troll can be found at the graveyard.
Step 6: Find Dmitri at the graveyard beside Lobinden
Both the cemetery and Dmitri can be found to the east of Lobinden (M8, 17). Once you get close enough, a cutscene will start and afterwards you will be immediately attacked. The fight shouldn't be too hard. You can help yourself with Axii and temporarily take control over one of the thugs. Use Aard to stun enemies, while remembering about blocking and dodging. Don't forget to search everyone afterwards. Dmitri has the bandit hideout key
Step 7: Talk with the troll
You can now return to the troll (M8, 6) and tell him about the murderers' death. You will receive a reward.
Notice! If you managed to get the she-troll's head, you can give it back to the troll and in return receive Formula: Hunter's Armor.
Step 8: Collect your reward from Chorab
Also don't forget to head to Chorab (M7, 16) to get your prize. At first you will receive only 100 orens, but using intimidation or persuasion will give you the whole promised amount, double the previous reward. The mission will come to an end.
Prize: 125 XP