The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)

STREATOR, ILLINOIS. DAILY TIMES PRESS, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1945. Page 3. ANQUET HELD IN LONG POINT hers Serve Dinner In High School; Letters Presented. ING POINT--The annual bas11 banquet was served by ers of the boys in the assembcom of the high school Friday ng.

The guests were served et style after which they were at lace covered tables, bowls ersythia and tulips forming the erpieces. Lighted tapers, place nutcups and booklets, the being miniature score cards am colors black and yellow, pleted the appointments. fiends of the boys, cheer leaders, homemaking class girls and facmembers were guests. Families he boys enjoyed a buffet supper serving the guests. following program was carout with Paul Rittenhouse pastmaster: past to Team- Carol Jo ReyS.

esponse- -Joe Outram. bast to Cheerleaders -John Mills. -Donna Ellis. bast to Mothers--Ronald Hughes. pach Clive Reynolds presented ers to Joe Outram, captain; John Is, Ronald Hughes, Dale Buckles, lace Metz, Robert Talbot, Dale eldenhaar, Robert Sherman, Clyde Moore, Paul Rithouse, Charles Garretson, Dale an.

ne following worship service presented at the Christian arch morning at eleven Bock: relude- Treva Sorenson. all to Worship Paul Rittenhouse lymn, "Come Thou Almighty lymn, "There Shall Be Showers Communion Hymn, "Savior, They ing Love." Communion. Offertory Hymn--Choir. solo -Lavon Ellis. -Audrey Wheeler.

Solo Helen Kelley of Freeport. Hymn, "Tis So Sweet to Trust in sus. Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Ruth Kempshall and daughAnna, spent the week-end with husband's parents at Maroa.

Mrs. Audrey Huff of Rockford ent several days the past week the home of her sister, Mrs. Kenth Stokes. large crowd attended the dance onsored by the Long Point Home areau Friday night at, the high nool. The unit sold doughnuts, ffee and pop from which it realed a neat sum.

Mrs. Gertrude Gould entertained Bid or Bye Bridge Club in her me Friday afternoon. High scores ere held by Gladys Clark and rah Lane. A delicious two-course inch was served. The next party ill be held at the home of Laura hyder in May.

Clive Reynolds and daughters, arol Jo and Uretta Ann, went to rmington Saturday, being called ere by the Frank Quisenerry, father of Mrs. Reynolds, hich occurred Friday, Mrs. Reyolds has been assisting in the care her father for several weeks. Pvt. Clifford Iverson, who has een stationed at Camp Fannin, and wife are visiting his parnts, Mr.

and Mrs. Reno Iverson. vt. Iverson will report at Ft. leade, at the conclusion of his urlough.

Mrs. Jane Brown and daughter, poris, of Morton were week uests of another daughter, Mrs. tanley Brown. Miss Helen Kelley of Freeport vas the guest of Mrs. Treva Sorenon for several days the past week.

Irs. Betty Dyar, sister of Mrs. Sorinson, is suffering with a skin inlection. Mrs. Ethylmarie Beutke of Streaor spent the week-end at the home her husbar.d's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. E. W. Beutke. Mrs.

Elizabeth Spaniol of Peoria visiting her daughter, Mrs. Elsie Spaniol, and family. Sunday dinner guests at the Floyd Clark home were: Pvt. Floyd Clark of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs.

Olar Scott of Grand Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. G. Outram, sons, Joe and Roger, Mr. and Mrs.

M. M. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snyder.

Frank Fuller, who spent the winler months at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. D. Lamp, has returned to his home in Pontiac. FORMER GRAND RIDGE MAN DIES FUNERAL SERVICES HELD IN CORWITH, IOWA, FOR HARRY ROCKWOOD.

GRAND RIDGE--Funeral services were held Monday in Corwith, for Harry Rockwood, 83, brother of W. H. Rockwood of this village, who died Friday, following a fall some weeks ago resulting in a broken hip. Harry Rockwood, of William H. and Maria Rockwood was born April 27, 1861, in Farm Ridge township on what is now known as the Duder farm.

He was united in marriage to Nellie Margaret Shephard of Deer Park, who survives him, also sons, 1 daughter, 3 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. The family moved to Iowa many years ago where they engaged in farming until he retired to Corwith a few years ago, Robert Steven Durdan, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Durdan, was baptized Sunday, morning in St. Mary's Catholic church in Grand Rapids, Rev.

Gregory Egan officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham were sponsors. Dinner guests at the Durdan home were the sponsors, Mr.

and Mrs. Graham, grandparents, Mrs. 0. E. Kuhn and Peter Durdan, aunt, Mrs.

Vercimak, and Edward Durdan. Later guests were Wilma and Betty Mondy, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Durdan and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Andrew and family, Mr. and Guy Hampson and son Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Turner Long and daughter, Esther. The girls of the Grand Ridge G.

A. A. went to Streator Saturday afternoon with their leader, Miss Betty Barber and hiked back by way of Marilla Park. Rev. G.

A. Eckstrand of Chicago, former pastor of the local Methodist church and a neighbor, were village callers Monday. A bridge club group from Ottawa and Grand Ridge, honored Mrs. Pat Malone of La Salle, formerly Marjorie Maegher of Farm Ridge, with a dinner at the Farm Cupboard in Ottawa Thursday evening. Spring flowers centered the table and gifts were presented to Mrs.

Malone who moved to La Salle recently from Ottawa The group later attended the theatre. Howard (Skinny) Moss, who has been confined in a St. Louis hospial a broken, foot caused by an accident while trimming trees for the Public Service returned to his home in the village. He is able to be about on crutches. A banquet for the basketball team will be held in the gymnasium Wednesday evening.

Mrs. John Dougherty and Mrs. A. F. Christiansen are in charge.

Memorial services for Pfc. Donald Bowers, killed on Iwo Jima, March 4, will be held at the Methodist church Sunday April 15 at 2:30 o'clock. S-Sgt. Herbert Roseling, who spent the past 30 days with his wife and parents here, following his return from overseas, expected to depart today for San Antonio, Texas, where he reports for reassignment, Miss Mary Gleim, Miss Esther Long and Willard Rinker accompanied Rev. and Mrs.

R. C. Glose to Lacon Sunday afternoon to attend the annual Peoria District Epworth League Convention. FORMER ODELL RESIDENT WINS RECOGNITION Roberta Henn Awarded First Place In Oratorical Contest. -Miss Roberta Henn won first place in the Women's Oratory at the Illinois- Wisconsin Province Tournament of the Pi Kappa Delta Forensic Organization held at the Augustana college in Rock Island Friday and Saturday.

Miss Henn is the daughter of Mr. and J. E. Henn, now of Detroit, former residents of Odell. She is a junior at Illinois Wesleyan university in Bloomington.

Her topic was "All Men Are Created Equal." She is. a graduate of the Odell public high school. Pfc. Francis Turner arrived Saturday night for a 15-day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

T. J. Turner, from the government hospital in Clinton, Ia. He recently returned from a hospital in England, where he has been a for the past few months. He wounded in the arm and side was in Germany, Dec.

29th, 1944. Mrs. Bert Whiteside spent the past several months in Milwaukee, at the home of her son, Harold E. Whiteside and family. Enroute home she visited in Joliet for nine days at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

Joseph and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donbier accompanied her to Odell. Seaman 1-C.

Donald Beck, of Norfolk, visited, with his parents, Mr. and Beck and family 10 days, leaving Sunday evening on his return. Rev. and Mrs. P.

J. Eckhoff and Eunice. of Dover, called daughter, on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Doughan and children spending a few days in Rockford at the home of their parents grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Aland bert Alms. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow Gould and who resided on a farm west family, of Odell the past eleven years, moved to a farm near Cornell.

Miss Ruth Martin, Chicago, spent week at the home of her sister. a Mrs. Earl Simpson. Their brother, William Martin, also of Chicago, spent the week-end at the Simpson home. Mrs.

Donald Wilson and friend, Mrs. John Mackey, of Chicago, spent week-end at the home of the the former's mother, Mrs. Ethel Mahannah. E. M.

Merritt, 83, of Saybrook, passed away at his home Wednesday, after a few years' illness. The funeral was held there Friday af-ternoon. He was a brother of Mrs. Linnie Moore of Saybrook, a former resident of Odell, having visited at her home several times. He is survived here, a daughter, Mrs.

Nellie Clark, of Saybrook, and a son, E. D. Merritt, of Menominee, a brother, E. E. Merritt, of Saybrook, and two sisters, Mrs.

Moore and Mrs. Georgiana Meharry of Yakima, Wash. Distance of the moon from the earth varies as much as 30,000 miles. DWIGHT GROUPS PLAN FOR OLD CLOTHES DRIVE Rotary Club In Charge of Project To Aid War- Torn Countries, DWIGHT NEWS DWIGHT The war activities committee of the Rotary Club, comprised of Dr. A.

E. Mantle, R. Boyer, E. C. Dickler, F.

Klingler and C. J. Steichen, met in the village hall with presiding of various local organizations. Tentative plans: were made and committees appointed for the collection, sorting and packing of all used clothing received for the destitute people in war devastated countries. Donations can be left at the village hall.

Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, who have the winter in Brownsville, Texas, were expected to return home today. Cpl. and Mrs.

Ellsworth Sterritt arrived Friday from Robins Field. where he is stationed, and will spend days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steritt. and also in Pontiac with Mrs.

Ster- LOSTANT CLASS SPONSORS PARTY BIRTHDAYS OF SEVERAL MEMBERS OBSERVED BY NE PLUS ULTRA GROUP. Ne Plus Ultra class met in the Methodist church, Thursday night, with an attendance of over forty. Mrs. Bertha Dean, in charge of the devotionals, gave a short review of the quarterly lessons. Mrs.

Mary Ryan and Mrs. Zoma Reynolds had birthdays recently and the birthday was sung to them. Mrs. Clara Lundgren sang "I Love A Little Cottage." The ladies attended the pink rabbit sale where everything imaginable was sold. The group realized $24.00 for their efforts.

The following guests were present Mrs. Anna Tomlinson of Chicago, Naomia 'Axline of Wenona, Mrs. Anna Gray, Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips, Mrs. Maxine Swanson, Mrs.

Mary Whitmore, Mrs. Bertha Dean, Mrs. Lois Chambers, 'Mrs. Evan Fraser, Mrs. Ruth- Grivy and Mrs.

Myrtle Patterson. The hostesses were Mrs. Anna Graves, Mrs. Gertrude Gray, Miss Elizabeth Higgason and Mrs. Vinnie Hagy.

Easter decorations prevailed in the dining room where Miss Elizabeth Higgason poured. The ashes of the late Dr. Ralph Mills of Decatur who passed away fin Oetober were brought to the Friends cemetery for burial Tuesday afternoon. A short service was held. Relatives from -Decatur and Chicago and friends from the surfounding community attended.

Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kofoid, Mr.

and. Mrs. William Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Nelson, Mr.

and Mrs. John Henry Hiltabrand, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nelson of Lostant, Mr. and Mrs.

Willie Nelson of Magnolia, Miss Frances Stubler of and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Koller of McNabb arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mortenson to assist Mrs.

Mortenson celebrate her birthday, They brought along plenty of food, and the honored lady was presented a number of lovely gifts. Mr. and -Mrs. Howard Ashley received word that their son Put. Jack Ashley, now has on overseas address.

He has been in the service since last October. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Golden entertained her sister, Mrs. Gordon Bishop of Chicago, over the week end.

A musical program which promises to be a treat to music lowers, is being prepared by the pupils the beginners class assisted by the intermediate grades for Thursday evening at eight o'clock in the Methodist church under the direction of Mrs. Herre. Bernadine and Marcia Dose, Tommy Kennell, Eddie Linder, Milton Powell, Ronnie Reynolds, Marian Richard and Joanne Smaling of Lostant, will take part. They will be joined by Karen Carlson, Donna Campbell, Janice and Judy Gregg, Pattie Lou Foley, Beverly Jannisch, June Melody, Jane Pomerenke, June Smithberger, Janet Tomlinson, George Troutwine, Richard Volker and Johanna Weyer of Wenona. These recitals create an ritt's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seward and children, of Detroit, returned to their home Satie day evening. after visiting here and in Springfield. The Past Chiefs' Club of the Pythian Sisters met at the home of Mrs.

Martha Reeb Friday night, with Mrs. Marie Metzke as assist: ant hostess. Mrs. Olive Haynes presided over the business session after which euchre and flinch were enjoyed. Nellie Pool received the prize.

A delicious lunch of cake, coffee and ice cream was served. Miss Eunice Lovejoy has returned to her home in Racine, after visiting Miss Lola F. West. Miss Lovejoy is a former local high school science teacher. The Mothers' Service club will be held in the village hall Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.

Mrs. Clara Goss will have charge of the program. Members of the Knights of Columbus will attend the 8 o'clock mass and receive Holy Communion in a Sunday, April 15. After breakfast, which will be served in Smith hall, the group will go to Pontiac for exemplification of the first and second degrees. Mrs.

John Miner, who has living in the Mrs. Lilla Reed apartment on East Seminole street, is disposing of some of her household goods and expects move to Albuquerque, N. to join her husband, who is employed there. Mr. Miner formerly employed at the Veterans' hospital here.

immeasurable interest among the pupils. 4 Pvt. Leonard Pflibsen of Fort Meade, Maryland, is enjoying a tenday furlough with his family and relatives. Mrs. Loretta Berogan visited Mrs.

Frances Weiss in Blackstone for the past few days. Mrs. Berogan received word from her son, Staff Sgt. Marcus Clark, that after almost three years of army life in India, he is now located somewhere in Burma. Mrs.

Urban Lechner of Lostant, Mrs. Frank Fetzer of Leonore, and Miss Elizabeth Schinie of Toluca, have been in Texas where the former and latter were visiting Mrs. Lechner's son, Pvt. Norbert Lechher, at Camp Wolters. Mrs.

Fetzer also visited her son while there. Norbert has been at Wolters seven weeks. Miss Joyce Vanlaningham of Chicago was a guest in the home of her parents over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey Lutz and family have been visiting relatives in the southern part of the Mrs. Anna Tomlinson of Chicago. and her son, Sgt. Arthur Tomlinson, of Hawaii, who is enjoying an extended, furlough have been guests in the Lawrence Ryan home and the last week Mr. Tomlinson and his daughter, Miss Margaret Ann, who a student nurse in Chicago, to spend a few days in the came Ryan home.

Corliss Ingels of the Henry Nurseries, states that the German prisoners who are working for their nurseries are proving to be good workers. They come from a prison camp at Washington are assisting in digging trees and transplantTing them. They have an army guard for every ten men and return to camp each night. The prisoners can speak only, a little English. Regardless the guards there would perhaps be a chance of their escape.

However in a nation-wide program of prisoners at work- few of such attempts have made and those were captured. The employers pay the federal government and government in turn pays the then with coupons good at the post exchange for about eighty cents a day. POSITION INDICATOR. The air position indicator used on the B-29 Superfortress gives continuous latitude and longitude readings. The first device in the history of navigation to give such readings, the air position indicator is about the size of a quart milk bottle and is mounted on the instrument panel of the B-29.

Murphy's Vig-O-Ray. Chick Starter $3.85 per bag. Murphy's Cut-Cost. Pig Meal $3.45 bag. Murphy's Cut-Cost Concentrate.

Murphy's Vig-O-Ray Concentrate. Jaegle Implement Co. 118 Iowa Ave. Streator MR. FARMER! For Immediate Delivery While They Last WAGON TRAILERS And STEEL FLARED BOXES A FARM DIVISION 129 S.

Bloomington St. Dial BRONZE STAR MEDAL WON BY DANA SOLDIER Sgt. W. O. Haycraft Distinguishes Self In Combat In France.

DANA- The Bronze Star Medal has been awarded Wilbert O. (Webb) Haycraft, son of Mrs. Wilma Brown of Dana, for "meritorious service in combat." citation Mrs. Brown which recently accompanied received the medal, awarded her son March 10. It reads: "Wilbert O.

Haycraft, 36671964, technician fourth grade (then private first class), infantry, Company 756th Tank Battalion, for meritorious service in actual combat from 15 August to September, 161 1944, in France. Technician Fourth Grade Haycraft landed in Southern France on 15. August, 1944, as a driver of a D-D tank. He played an important role in knocking out two 88 mm. guns and several mortars during the early part of the operation.

the remainder of the campaign in Southern France he continued to drive a tank in excellent support of the infantry operations. On several occasions gave outstanding service in this capacity and earned the respect and admiration of those with whom he came in contact. Resident: (Dana) Streator, area. John W. O'Daniel, Major General, U.

S. Army, Commanding." The Townsend Club of Dana met in the Wakeman. building with William Dooley presiding. A social time followed the meeting, euchre and games being played. Prizes were won by T.

L. Powell, Mrs. Clarence Wakeman, W. T. Dooley and Mrs.

Kathlyn Wakeman, Mrs. Clem Schwartz and Mrs. William Harvey. Mr. and Mrs.

William Dooley and Mrs. Robert Dunham served lunch of fruit salad, cupcakes, coffee and tea. Mrs. Caroline Vissering and Mrs. George Hughes were hostesses at the Vissering home to the Woman's Society of Christian Service, of the Methodist church.

J. Pritchett presided and conducted the devotional lesson, "We Acknowledge Thee To Be Lord." She was assisted by the members in responsive reading, hymns 'and prayer. Mrs. Victor Vissering gave the Spiritual Enrichment lesson on "'He Leadeth Me." She gave a tribute to the flag and endurance of our soldiers. In the candle lighting service she used the red candle represent the war canference to be held at San Francisco soon, the white candle, statesmen of the nation; blue candle, symbolic of all things and documents to be discussed at the conference; and the white taper was lighted for peace.

She read from the third chapter of the study book, "Words of His Grace," closing her lesson with: a- prayer poem for peace. Mrs. Walter Osterman presented the lesson, "The Church in MINONK WOMAN IS INTERRED SERVICES FOR MINS. W. G.

LEY HELD WILCOX FUNERAL HOME. MINONK NEWS MINONK-The funeral of Mrs. W. G. Lindley was held at 2 o'clock in the Wilcox funeral home on Saturday afternoon with Rey.

Stanley Jensen officiating. Dr. A. W. Kettelhut sang accompanied by Mrs.

Harrison Parks. The pallbearers were John Burzia John Timmerman, John Dantorth, R. E. Gray, John Kettwick and William vonBehren. Those attending from were: C.

B. Rollins, Mr. Harvey Holt, Pontiac; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Taylor, Cullom; Mrs.

Fred Hughes, Normal; Misses Ora Curtis, Elizabeth Higgason, Ruth Kemp, Dorothy Ryan, Bernice Whitney, Kate Dugan, Mrs. Bertha Dean, Mrs. Martha Morris, Mrs. Elsie Hartenbower, Mrs. Wilma Hannum, Mrs.

J. A. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. C.

G. Dorsey, Mr. A. E. Fraser and E.

J. Graber of Lostant; and Miss Edith Tuttle of Pekin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank.

Grampp and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grampp and daughter, Drue, of Princeton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Moline.

and Mrs. Peter Brautegam and family of Chillicothe, spent Europe." Mrs. Ernest Coyle was in charge of the local church activities busisession. The group decided ness to hold a silent auction at the meeting May 1, with Mrs. Raymond Bane and Mrs.

Theodore Plans were also made to serve the annual chicken supper Labor Day with a bazaar in connection. Committees to begin work for the bazaar were appointed and are: aprons--Mrs. William Marston, work-Mrs. Mrs. Lake; fancy Walter Osterman, Mrs.

Ronald Coons; towels and luncheon setsMrs. Raymond Vissering and Mrs. Harry W. Hakes; pot holders -Mrs. Dwyer and Mrs.

Orlando Weld; toys Mrs. Victor Vissering and Mrs. Russell Kelley. Mrs. Harris Thorp conducted games.

Rev. Della B. Stretch of El Paso, an out-of-town guest, gave the closing prayer. The annual thank offering program will be held Sunday morning, April 22, at 10 o'clock, Lunch of ice cream, cookies, nuts, candy and coffee was served. Clerks and judges at the election were Robert Kennell, Raymond Vissering, Fred Carlson, Mrs.

J. C. Lutz, Mrs. Everett Ekstrom and Mrs. Thursdan Fryman.

Only 62 votes were rast for precinct 2 of Groveland township. There was no opposition for supervisor, assessor or clerk. Rev. Della B. Stretch of El Paso came Monday for a visit at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. C. J. Pritchett. Dana high school pupils were dismissed Tuesday afternoon so they could, attend a matinee that afternoon at Minonk theatre.

They saw the picture, "Wilson." day with Mrs. Peter Ioerger and son, Elmer. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Antons, Mrs.

Lois Starks and son, Jackie, and Miss Gusta Miss Julia Ryan and Miss Marie Ryan were Bloomington visitors, Sautrday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Traylor of Cullom and Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey Holt' of Pontiac were callers at the J. C. Cassen's home Saturday. afternoon, coming over to attend the funeral of William Lindley. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Antons spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rosendahl. arrived Lieut. (j.

here Alfred and Mrs. Harms on Saturday from Banana River, Florida, enroute to San Diego, Calif. He will have a 15-day leave and four days traveling time and report April 27 at San Diego. While here they will also visit Mrs. Harm's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Jacob Henderson of Miniere. Mrs. Eva Dell Metzger and Miss Minnie Huwald of Wenona called on Mrs. Charlotte Weston and Mrs.

Anna Gardner at Rest Haven on Friday, On Saturday, Mrs. Mercy Scott and Miss Marie Mildrandt of Wenona called on the two ladies. Mrs. Lucy Mann, Mrs. Velma Mann and daughter, Dolores of Magnolia, Mrs.

Alfred Knack and son, Alfred, Misses Mabel and Loretta Missel of Wenona were guests Saturday of Miss Ella White. Miss Ella White. attended the meeting of the Wenona Community Club on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Clara Moffet hostess, assisted by Mrs. Luella Moffet.


Henry Phillips received a wire last week from their son, Cpl. George Phillips, a Carine, who was wounded in the battle of Iwo Jima, stating that he was back in the States and hoped to be home soon. He had been in a hospital in the Marianas and is now in Oregon. Honorary Society. Miss Adelaide Jauch, daughter of Mrs.

Willia.n Jauch, has been pledged to Alpha Lamda Delta, freshman scholastic honorar: society at the University of Illinois. Miss Jauch is a freshman in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Alpha Lamb da Delta was founded at the University of Illinois in 1924 by Miss Maria Leonard, dean of women at the university. Women students, who maintain a scholastic average of 4.5 or higher, based on 5.0 as the highest possible average, are eligible for membership. The purposes of the organization is to foster high scholastic standards among women students.

On Furlough. Pfc. Vernon Scudder is enjoying a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Lottie Scudder. He had been stationed at Camp Howzie, and will report at Pt.

Meade, at the expiration of his furlough. Pfc. Scudder's brother, S-Sgt, Charles Scudder, who had been overseas sometime and in a hospital in England, has arrived in the States and is in the Stark general hospital at Charleston, S. temporarily. He will be transferred to another hospital for further treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Howe of Muscatine, Iowa, were guests last week of the latter's sister, Mrs.

D. G. Ruble, at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carrithers.

On Leave Here, Harry Iliff, 1-C, of the U. S. Navy is spending a fifteen-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.

Iliff, after several months of active sea duty. His sister, Mrs. Lyle Van Horn of Cerro Gordo, also visited, her parents and brother last week. Coach Anton Kresl was guest speaker at 12th annual banquet given by the Mother's Club of Dana for the high school basketball team and students. The girl's high school chorus spent Friday in Lacon rehearsing with other choruses for the Tri-County Music Festival to be held.

there April 29. Mrs. Ernest Vosberg, who has been ill the past weeks, was taken to the Streator hospital for observation and treatment. Attends -Movie. The American history class of the local high school went to Minonk one afternoon to see the educational movie, "Woodrow Students from the high schools of Minonk, Washburn, Rutland and Dana were also present.

Mrs. Jobst Schulte, who was a patient the past week in the Streator hospital, has been brought home and is much improved. Senior Play. The senior class of the local high school. has selected the play, "The Professor and rehearsal will soon begin under the direction of Mrs.

Anton Kresl. Mrs. Floyd Robinson, Mrs. Laura Carrithers, Mrs. Walter Clark, Mrs.

Norman, Friday Hoffstetter in Peoria. and son, David, Toluca won over Rutland in the first track meet of the season at the high, school Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Daub has returned to her home in Toluca after spending the past there and a half months in Berwyn with her son, Earl Fitzpatrick, and family. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian church entertained the Rutland, and Pattonsburg young people at a party in the church parlors last week.

Card Club Meets. The Jolly Twelve Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. C. H. Prizes were awarded to Mrs.

Fred Juers, Mrs. Ed Shanklin and Mrs. A. E. Stratton.

A tasty lunch was served. As this was the last regudar meeting of the season, the next gathering will be at the home of Mrs. Anne Norwood with Mrs. Fred Juers, Mrs. Ed Shanklin and Mrs.

Frank Kresl assisting. OLD SYMBOL. The cross was used as a religious symbol long before the Christian era. The Indians regarded it as a mystic emblem of the four points of the compass. TRUE SINCE 1886 CLAY Way The is the PAY Sell Your to 02 LIVESTOC DM Costs You No More To Get The Full Benefit of 59 Years of LEADERSHIP In the Livestock Commission Business Every livestock shipment you send to market Serves in 11 Great Markets represents a heavy investment of your time, labor This is true not only in Chicago where John Clay and money.

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Remember, no shipment too small- none too large to get John Clay's best service and it costs you nothing extra because commissions are fixed by law. Remember John Clay, too, any time you are in the market for feeders or feeder loans. Service Since 1886 COMPANY ROOKERY A CHICAGO4, MISSOURI DENVER, COLORADO, MISSOURI SIOUX CITY, IOWA TEXAS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, EAST ST. LOUIS, ILLINOIS.

The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.