4 4 88 The Cedar Rapids Gazette: March 31, 1963 ALL ABOUT FOOD N' CUP FILE By Teeted Recipe Inetitute PROTEIN FOOD VALUES Cheese is an excellent source of protein and should be included in the diet. In the Dried legumes such as split peas are an inexpensive source of protein. LION OUT SPLIT PEAS In the Legislature DES MOINES in the legislature this week. Signed by Governor SF58, To allow trial courts to grant probation instead of a prison sentence, for persons convicted of all crimes except treason, murder and illegal dispensing of narcotics. SF62, To permit soil.
conservation districts to use the onequarter mill watershed projects levy for such things as land purchase and road construction, as well as operation and maintenance. HF298, To allow the state safety department to continue to issue temporary extensions of drivers' licenses to persons absent from the state or incapacitated when the license is due to expire. HF71, To authorize the state motor vehicle division to approve auto registration certificate holders sold by individuwell as continue to furnish holders. HF139, To authorize library boards to contract between themselves for exchange of books, and enable all cities and towns to receive and dispose of bequests to public libraries received under a condition that a nonresident shall be a member of the library board trustees. HF117, To make optional the $2 bounty on foxes, the $10 bounty on adult wolves and the $4 bounty on wolf cubs.
HF308, To allow the Central Dallas Community school district to transfer immediately, to its instead building of 9 funds, received from the estates of Frank and Anna Hoover. SF54, require that the cause of death and attending physician's name be typewritdeath certificates. SF73, To provide that the assessment of shares of mutual funds for moneys and credits tax purposes be at the bid price on the last business day of the preceding year. SF153, To permit use of the word "drug" on advertising of a licensed drug wholesaler. SF149, To legalize proposed sale agreement by Cerro Gordo county part of the county fairgrounds to state for a highway patrol office.
HF54, To increase weekly benefits under the workmen's compensation law to a worker injured on the job, and raise the maximum allowance for medical, hospital and burial benefits. HF26, To forbid any person not a licensed pharmacist apprentice to sell any drugs or medicines or fill prescriptions. HF443, To legalize $1,6 million in off-street parking funds of the city of Davenport. SF156, To allow school districts to bonds for construction remodeling of issue, buildings for public junior colleges. SF241, To permit the state banking department to establish salary ranges within job classifications similar to those of federal bank supervising agencies.
SF178, To place a statute of limitations on inheritance tax liens. SF145, To authorize cities and towns to issue bonds to buy sites for public utility plants, garbage disposal plants, community, centers, provide etc. interest penalty for delinquent payment of annual tax for, soil conservation districts require payment of the first installment by Oct. 1. SF23, To create a threemember board of veterinary examiners and establish an office of inspector 1 under the board, with cost to be paid by increasing the fee for licenses and renewals by $4, SF10, To require bow and arrow hunters to obtain permission to hunt on the land of another.
Vetoed by Governor HF48, To exempt county homes from licensing provisions of the nursing home law. Passed by House HF193, To increase speed limits on paved secondary roads to 70 miles an hour: in the daytime and 60 miles an hour at night, the same as on primary highways. Present secondary road limits are 60 miles an hour daytime, 50 miles an hour at night, HF558, To legalize bonds authorized by the Denison city council, including $1,200 for water mains, $12,000 for paving and $5,000 for a sanitary sewer: HF187, To eliminate the requirement for cities and towns of less than 5,000 population that street budgets, programs and financial statements be broken down between arterial and local streets. HF236, To permit cities and towns to include the various parts of, street and sanitary sewer projects in one resolution of necessity and to award the bid to the lowest aggregate bidder. HF243, To allow an extra $15 deduction for state income of the legislature's mail property owners on interstate cooperation.
ject to 1 assessment because of SF389, To legalize attach- street improvement or sewer ment of certain Hamilton coun- projects. ty land to the South Hamilton HF83, To authorize county Community school district. supervisors, city councils and SF276, To authorize of a school boards to contract with coding system on state war- non profit nurses associations rants, and permit assistant for public health nursing serv-" state comptroller to sign state ice. warrants in case of an emergency in the comptroller's office. SF345, To eliminate the mandatory vote of the people to approve city contracts with a private company for transit service.
SF349, To permit amendment of a association's articles cooperative, incorporation by of members the meeting, and require a vote by directors to amend bylaws. SF380, To provide that half the state aid to schools shall be paid Nov. 1 each year, and the balance by May 1 of the suc-ling ceeding year. SF322, To assure that money allotted for an insurance, premium on property an old age assistance recipient is paid when due. of SF400, To require a city or town clerk to notify by -Bottle Sales(Continued from Page 1B) No.
44 increased and the main downtown store. No. had a gain. C. R.
Stores Two of the Des Moines had cutbacks--No 169 stores off 7.69% and the east side store No. 57 dropped 4.47%. Sales losses also were noted at East Waterloo No. 148 (5.02), Waterloo No. 17 (4.08), (2.46), Mason Ottumwa City No.
4 No. 16 and Cedar Rapids No. (1.03). The other Cedar Rapids store No. 20, however, had a gain in sales of 6.58%, and other increases were, noted at Fort Dodge (1.8), Iowa City No.
52 (4.44), and No. 2 the commission report said. Bitten by Dog, Files Suit in Manchester Peanut butter and peanuts are good foods to help meet the protein requirements of children. 0 (PEANUT BUS mor-tion of franchise or condemnation right. HF25, To allow fire insurance companies to cover risks under a multiple-peril nonassessable policy for private dwellings.
HF56, To permit county funds to be used to establish community mental health centers serving one or more counties with combined population more than 4,000. SF8, To increase fees charged by district court clerks for closling estates. HF17, To set up a review of state partment rules and regulations by the legislature. SF393, To set standards which cash surrender values and nonforfeitures benefits life insurance policies are to determined by the state insurcommissioner. SF273, school district proceedings taken prior to July Dela-1962, except those where gation is pending.
SF230, To legalize a resolution of necessity passed by town council of Mechanicsville in connection with a 1961 contract with the Iowa Road Building Co. for street paving, Cereal proteins are important in the diet. Use whole wheat bread often for sandwiches. themselves "to declare a latorium of up to 10 years on annexation of certain territory. HF393, To permit incorporaof a joint authority to operate city-county buildings.
HF454, To allow county boards of supervisors to assign county maintenance equipment fairground use. etheSF391, To authorize issuance free registration certificates land license plates to transit companies for their buses. HF392, To permit a high school district to participate in more than one merger within year with non-high school districts. SF265, To permit a credit unlion board to elect alternate members of its credit committee. SF266, To permit a credit union board to appoint a membership committee and membership officer.
SF236, To legalize West ware County Community school district special election authorizing sale of 20 lots in Manchester. Passed by Senate HF258, To abolish itinerant but complying with a recent licenses for physi- Cedar county district court orcians, osteopaths, chiropractors, der holding the contract valid practitioner optometrists, os me to logists except for four protestors. and podiatrists except for a re- HF236, To allow cities and ported six who still travel in towns to include the various the state. parts of street or sewer projects SF183, To increase from three in one resolution of necessity to four the number of deputies and to award the bid to the the state industrial commis- lowest aggregate bidder. sioner may employ for work- SJR16, To ratify a proposed men's compensation hearings.
U.S. constitutional amendment SF226, To allow state execu-to declare that failure to pay tive council to grant certain poll tax shall not deny a voter easem*nts to the U.S. for high- the right to vote for president, ways 14, 46, 60, 92 and 181 in senator or congressmen. Marion, Polk and Warren coun- SF127, To exempt from the ties in connection with Red Iowa sales tax merchandise Rock reservoir project. purchased by governmental SF385, To rewrite the Iowa bodies supported by tax money.
commercial feed law, giving the SF239, require approval secretary of agriculture author-(by county boards of superto use court injunctions to visors of all rural subdivisions enforce provisions on adulter- plans before they are filed with ated or misbranded feeds. the county auditor or work is SF123, To permit school started on the subdivision. boards to increase by the SF280, To increase publicaretirement benefits in a ter- tion fee for quarterly summary minated retirement system, of school district expenditures with an annual tax levy to to the full legal fee, rather than supplement the retirement re- half the rate. serve if necessary. SF330, To authorize state acSF228, To establish a street ceptance of federal monies for and farm-to-market road re- expenses in maintaining public search fund under the high- buildings.
way commission, financed by HF29, To permit biennial inone-half of of the road use stead of annual state inspection fund allocation to streets, of certain large boilers such as and the road use tax those in utility plants. allocation for farm-to-market HF190, To make it legal to roads. send state penitentiary and reHF59, To require an appli- prisoners who voluncant for a real estate broker's teer to University hospitals in license, except a licensed at- Iowa City for medical research. torney, to have 12 months' ex- HF197, To allow the state perience as a real estate sales- comptroller to suspend the man or equivalent experience. mandatory one percent penalty HF4, To set the fine for fish- assessed against counties for without per- delinquent payment of state mission $100, instead bills for care of patients at hunting, of the present up to $10.
state mental institutions, if the SF254, To clarify authority of county has notified the compthe Iowa commerce commission troller of error or questionable to determine whether proposed items in the billing. electric transmission lines serve SF412, To appropriate $9,872 a public use before authoriza- for compensation and expenses LOWER PRICES SUNDAY and EVERYDAY at Me Too Food Stores 903 1st Avenue and Cedar Hills cedure for simplify, collect SF39, To projudgments of U.S. courts and courts of other states. SF191, To prohibit sion of a defeated bond issue to the voters until six months or more has passed. SF260, To rewrite sections in the Rules of Civil Procedure dealing with rehearing dismissal and of resuit peal the after present year for want of SF269, To allow leading questions to put to an un-172 willing or hostile witness dura court trial.
HF168, To legalize $60,000 airport bonds by the city of Denison. HF548, HF549, To legalize the organization and a $500,000 school bond issue of the Clutier Community school dis- MANCHESTER A $2,988 civil suit resulting from a dog bite has been filed in Delaware district court by Irving Floreshinger, who claims he was attacked by 1 a German police dog on the Edmund Trenkamp far near Ryan Oct. 12, Plaintiff charges that the attack occurred. as He he said was walking car. the dog held on until released by Trenkamp's command; that plaintiff was unable to work for three days and unable to work fulltime for three weeks.
lane blind purposes or over for persons, who old. HF217, To require a Class for forfeit permit his holder bond to when consent permit is revoked town or county. HF70, To provide for licensling, regulation and control of key clubs. SF222, To establish procedure service of process on corporations not organized in Iowa. HF324, To eliminate the present requirement that a limited offering of securities shall be exempt from registration by the state department only if in offerings consist only of persons who have signed the firm's articles of incorporation.
HF331, To increase from $150 to $180. a week the ceiling on compensation of state insurance examiners checking domestic companies and from $180 to $200 a week for examliners checking foreign compa- nies. boards to provide special SF97, To permit school, cation for children under 5 years old. SF113, To change method of payments, for administrative aid to the blind fund in order to permit increased federal aid for the work. HF407, To permit state board of control to hold its quarterly conferences at any institution under its control, instead of only in Des Moines.
HF421, To raise from $25 to $50 the amount of money given to inmates upon release from the Rockwell City Women's reformatory. HF110, To simplify the method of recovering old pension money from the estates HF254, that a recipientsvide husband or wife may testify against each other concerning a crime committed by one against the other or against a minor child of either. HF362. To increase from one two the number of grand jurors that can be drawn from a township of 60,000 or more population. HF423, To set the license fee for trapping at $3 instead of $1 persons over 16, and at for persons under 16; to require all licensed traps to metal tag giving owner's name and address.
HF452, To authorize the organization of economic development, change corporations. title of state auditor fieldmen who examine counties, cities and school tricts, from "examiner of counts" to auditor. HF344, To authorize mayors in cities and towns with fourmember councils to vote to break ties. HF357, To authorize cities and towns to agree between Strawberry Point -Marla Kubicek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Kubicek, will open Knight's beauty salon Monday. Open house will be held Saturday. WEST SIDE HY-VEE 42nd HY-VEE FOOD STORE 1843 Johnson Ave. EAST SIDE HY-VEE N.W. Old Marion Rd.
10 Bag Lb. 59 3 Lb. QUALITY MEAT AT ITS FLAVORFUL BEST Boneless Gus Glaser Wilson's Boneless Sliced Pork Loin Smorgasbord SMOKED ROAST Luncheon BEEF PORK LOIN Lb. 69 Lb. Pack 59 Pack Oz.
29 Lb. 79: CANDY Des Moines Northern BARS BLEACH TISSUE Bag of 10 Gal. 4 Pack Roll HY-VEE IS "PEOPLE" DEDICATED TO SERVING YOU SUGAR 1843 Hy-Vee Ave. NW Johnson West I EMPLOYEE OWNED. Weekdays Sundays 9-9 9-6 STORE HOURS Vee 10 Lb.