Rimworld Gauranlen Tree (2024)

1. Gauranlen tree - RimWorld Wiki

  • Jun 30, 2024 · A large, distinctive-looking tree with a unique life-cycle. Each Gauranlen tree contains a small non-conscious dryad queen.

2. Why "Gauranlen" tree? - Ludeon Forums

  • The idea that "Gauranlen" is might be a product or scientific name but everyone just calls them "Dryad Trees" did cross my mind.

  • Why "Gauranlen" tree?

3. [1.3.3076] Pruning Gauranlen tree never interrupted for food, rest, etc

  • Jul 31, 2021 · The pawn does not stop to eat, rest, or for recreation, even to the point of pruning through a two-hour recreation block.

  • [1.3.3076] Pruning Gauranlen tree never interrupted for food, rest, etc

4. Gauranlen seed - RimWorld Wiki

5. Corruptor Dryad - RimWorld Bestiary Wiki - Fandom

  • A dryad caste with the unique ability to produce corrupted Gauranlen pods and reproduce the Gauranlen tree along with its symbiote, the dryad queen.

  • Description A dryad caste with the unique ability to produce corrupted Gauranlen pods and reproduce the Gauranlen tree along with its symbiote, the dryad queen. To do this, three corruptor dryads must slowly merge. In general, dryads are mammal-like creatures that have a symbiotic relationship with the Gauranlen tree. They reproduce together with their tree, which contains a hidden dryad queen. Dryads can morph into various specialized castes. Mechanics The corruptor dryad is an equivalent of th

Corruptor Dryad - RimWorld Bestiary Wiki - Fandom

6. Tumorous Dryad - RimWorld Bestiary Wiki - Fandom

  • Produces 40 Immature dryad meat every 2 days. Spawn Chances. Tumorous dryads don't spawn in the wild. They'll only appear through the corrupted Gauranlen Tree, ...

  • Description A corrupted dryad covered in tumorous growths that constantly appear over its whole body. These growths are edible, and can be used as a meat substitute of... questionable origins to say the least. In general, dryads are mammal-like creatures that have a symbiotic relationship with the Gauranlen tree. They reproduce together with their tree, which contains a hidden dryad queen. Dryads can morph into various specialized castes. Mechanics Produces 40 Immature dryad meat every 2 days. S

Tumorous Dryad - RimWorld Bestiary Wiki - Fandom

7. Rimworld seeds - locsu on Strikingly

  • Nov 21, 2023 · The tree will continously sprout gauranlen moss when it is planted. Like the anima tree and polux tree, but unlike other trees, Gauranlen trees ...

  • The ceremony requires at minimum 1 connector capable of Plant Cutting. For the tree to produced specialized dryads, a colonist must connect with the tree through a connection cerem

Rimworld seeds - locsu on Strikingly

8. Gauranlen Tree Expanded (Continued) - Skymods

  • Apr 3, 2024 · RimWorld Mods Catalogue. Catalogue · How To Install Mods · About Us · 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 / Mod. Gauranlen Tree Expanded (Continued). Uploaded · ...

  • Read more about Gauranlen Tree Expanded (Continued) at 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, Mod on Skymods.

9. More Gauranlen Trees 1.4+ - Skymods

  • May 29, 2024 · RimWorld Mods Catalogue. Catalogue · How To Install Mods · About Us · 1.4 / 1.5 / Translation. More Gauranlen Trees 1.4+. Uploaded · May 29, ...

  • Read more about More Gauranlen Trees 1.4+ at 1.4, 1.5, Translation on Skymods.

10. RimWorld Ideology Expansion Pack

  • Gauranlen connection: Some belief systems have a much stronger connection to the Gauranlen trees and their dryads. Weapons: There are preferences for weapons.

  • RimWorld - A sci-fi colony sim driven by an intelligent AI storyteller.

11. Ideology DLC coming this April! - RimWorld Console Edition

  • Mar 28, 2023 · ... RimWorld creator, Tynan ... With any luck you might find the Gauranlen tree, a rare tree that might occasionally sprout near your colony.

  • We are excited to bring a much loved and requested DLC to RimWorld Console Edition - Ideology!  Ideology makes your RimWorld story into your story more than ever before we can’t wait to see what console players create. RimWorld has always been about role-playing and Ideology

Ideology DLC coming this April! - RimWorld Console Edition
Rimworld Gauranlen Tree (2024)


How do you maintain a Gauranlen tree in Rimworld? ›

In order for the tree to produce and sustain dryads, a linked pawn must prune it. Pruning builds up connection with the tree - the amount of connection determines how many dryads are sustained at once. Connection can be viewed by selecting the tree.

What is the best tree to grow in Rimworld? ›


Cecropia trees have the lowest yield per day out of any tree in the game, thus making them the worst tree to farm for wood. By contrast, the poplar tree only takes 1.05 more (baseline) days to grow, but yields 50% more wood - but that's still enough to make it the best tree to farm for wood in the game.

How many dryads can you have in a tree Rimworld? ›

Each tree can produce 4 dryads at most and must all be the same type, and needs one colonist to maintain. Another thing to know is dryads dont eat food. This little bugger can carry 50 and moves slower then a person.

How do you get Gauranlen seeds in Rimworld? ›

Gauranlen seeds are obtained by harvesting a gauranlen pod. These pods appear once every 60 days for regular ideoligions, once every 30 days for those with the Tree Connection meme, and can also be obtained as a ritual reward if tree connection is selected. Each pod gives a yield of 1 seed.

How do you stop tree shooters? ›

  1. Suckers: Remove suckers as close as possible to the point of origin on the root, scraping away soil to reach the base if necessary. Tear, rather than cut away, the shoot so that the majority of dormant basal buds are removed, thus reducing the possibility of regrowth. ...
  2. Seedlings: Dig out as much root as possible.

How do you save a strangled tree? ›

There are two methods of repairing a girdled tree: Bridge grafting – this involves bridging the damaged section with scion material (i.e. bark/wood taken from the same species or cultivar of tree, not the rootstock). For small trees this is done by using a side graft. For larger trees an inverted L rind graft is used.

Can the dryad respawn? ›

Despite this, like all NPCs, if the Dryad is killed and the spawn requirements are met, she will respawn. Re-Logic artist Jimmarn has speculated that she might be reincarnated. The Guide's tip "You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad."

Can dryads leave their tree? ›

A dryad could not stray too far from her bonded tree without suffering the same fate. If a dryad left the vicinity of her tree for too long, she died.

What do you do with immature dryads Rimworld? ›

This immature dryad can support and protect its tree, but its main purpose is to morph into more specialized and powerful dryad forms. A dryad caste specialized in medicine production. Together with its Gauranlen tree, this dryad can generate medicinal herbs on an ongoing basis.

What do harbinger trees do? ›

Harbinger trees provide a low-tech, no power method to get rid of corpses without using fire or an Electric crematorium. All gear worn by consumed corpses is destroyed, similar to cremation.

How do you make colonists reproduce in RimWorld? ›

With the Fertility Procedures research, you can create embryos. They can then be implanted into a pawn for a chance for the pawn to become pregnant. The chance of success depends on the surrogate's own Fertility. Even if they did not supply the ovum, the surrogate will be considered the birth mother.

How do you keep an area clear of trees RimWorld? ›

Simply make a farming zone and immediately restrict sowing. Colonists will automagically remove any trees, plants, and debris, leaving only base (uncuttable) grass and/or dirt. It's quite useful for wind farms that aren't near actual crops (which also work fine ofc).

How do you save a hollowed out tree? ›

Hollow trees can be left open or the cavity may be filled. If the hollow is left open, do not drill a hole to allow water to drain as this is an additional wound to the tree. Do not use concrete as a fill material as it will not move with the trunk resulting in more injury.

How do you protect against blight RimWorld? ›

If it is not dealt with, it will spread to any nearby crop field and destroy any crops. There is no way to stop blight from occurring. You can minimize the damage it can do by how you set up your growing zones. A gap of 4 tiles with no plant coverage prevents the spread of blight.

How do you prevent insect infestation in RimWorld? ›

As they require more than 1x1 of overhead mountain, you only need to build walls every second square. Only walls are capable of stopping infestations; columns and doors do not work. Note that an overhead mountain square next to an open "thin roof" area is also a valid spawn point.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.