Pokédex (2024)

The game's Pokédex consists of every Pokémon from the first two generations, as well as the following Pokémon from generations 3 to 7. While the Pokémon from generations 1 and 2 do match their official Pokédex numbers, the additional Pokémon from generations 3 to 7 do not match theirs.

Fusions between any two Pokémon are possible and exist, amounting to 220,900 fusions (including different forms of the same Pokémon and self-fusions). When including unfused Pokémon and Triple Fusions, there are a total of 221,390 Pokédex entries.

DexPokémonTypeLocationNotes1Pokédex (1)BulbasaurGrassPoisonPallet Town (starter) (gift), Cerulean City (trade), Viridian River (static)Viridian River Static Respawn Indefinitely2Pokédex (2)IvysaurGrassPoisonEvolve Bulbasaur (Lv16)3Pokédex (3)VenusaurGrassPoisonEvolve Ivysaur (Lv32)4Pokédex (4)CharmanderFirePallet Town (starter) (gift), Cerulean City (trade), Viridian River (static)Viridian River Static Respawn Indefinitely5Pokédex (5)CharmeleonFireEvolve Charmander (Lv16)6Pokédex (6)CharizardFireFlyingEvolve Charmeleon (Lv36)7Pokédex (7)SquirtleWaterPallet Town (starter) (gift), Cerulean City (trade), Viridian River (static)Viridian River Static Respawn Indefinitely8Pokédex (8)WartortleWaterEvolve Squirtle (Lv16)9Pokédex (9)BlastoiseWaterEvolve Wartortle (Lv36)10Pokédex (10)CaterpieBugRoute 2, 24, National Park, Viridian Forest11Pokédex (11)MetapodBugRoute 24, 30, 31, Hidden Forest, Ilex Forest, National Park, Viridian Forest, Viridian River, Evolve Caterpie (Lv7)12Pokédex (12)ButterfreeBugFlyingRoute 30, 31, Bond Bridge, Hidden Forest, Ilex Forest, National Park, Evolve Metapod (Lv10)13Pokédex (13)WeedleBugPoisonRoute 2, 24, National Park, Viridian Forest14Pokédex (14)KakunaBugPoisonRoute 24, 30, 31, Hidden Forest, Ilex Forest, National Park, Viridian Forest, Viridian River, Evolve Weedle (Lv7)15Pokédex (15)BeedrillBugPoisonViridian Forest (quest), Hidden Forest, Ilex Forest, National Park, Evolve Kakuna (Lv10)16Pokédex (16)PidgeyNormalFlyingRoute 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, Celadon City, Secret Garden, Viridian Forest17Pokédex (17)PidgeottoNormalFlyingNavel Rock (static), Route 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, Berry Forest, Celadon City, Hidden Forest, Lake of Rage, Viridian River, Evolve Pidgey (Lv18)18Pokédex (18)PidgeotNormalFlyingRoute 23, Evolve Pidgeotto (Lv36)19Pokédex (19)RattataNormalRoute 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 33, Celadon City, Celadon Sewers, Pokémon Mansion, Secret Garden20Pokédex (20)RaticateNormalMt. Mortar (static), Route 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 42, Burned Tower, Celadon Sewers, Mt. Mortar, Pokémon Mansion, Pokémon Tower, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Viridian River, Evolve Rattata (Lv20)21Pokédex (21)SpearowNormalFlyingNavel Rock (static), Route 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, Kindle Road22Pokédex (22)FearowNormalFlyingNavel Rock (static), Route 9, 17, 18, 29, 33, 42, 46, Boon Island, Brine Road, Kindle Road, Safari Zone A5, Evolve Spearow (Lv20)23Pokédex (23)EkansPoisonRoute 4, 8, 9, 10, 1124Pokédex (24)ArbokPoisonRoute 26, 27, 32, 33, Cerulean Cave, Victory Road, Evolve Ekans (Lv22)25Pokédex (25)PikachuElectricRoute 6, 7, Hidden Forest, Power Plant, Evolve Pichu (Lv15)26Pokédex (26)RaichuElectricCerulean Cave, Evolve Pikachu (Thunder Stone)27Pokédex (27)SandshrewGroundRoute 4, 8, 9, 10, Mt. Moon28Pokédex (28)SandslashGroundRoute 26, 27, Cerulean Cave, Union Cave, Victory Road, Evolve Sandshrew (Lv22)29Pokédex (29)Nidoran♀PoisonRoute 3, 9, 22, Safari Zone A1, A330Pokédex (30)NidorinaPoisonRoute 9, 35, 36, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, Viridian River, Evolve Nidoran♀ (Lv16)31Pokédex (31)NidoqueenPoisonGroundEvolve Nidorina (Moon Stone)32Pokédex (32)Nidoran♂PoisonRoute 3, 9, 22, Safari Zone A1, A2, A333Pokédex (33)NidorinoPoisonRoute 9, 35, 36, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, Viridian River, Evolve Nidoran♂ (Lv16)34Pokédex (34)NidokingPoisonGroundEvolve Nidorino (Moon Stone)35Pokédex (35)ClefairyFairyCeladon Game Corner (gift), Mt. Moon Dark Room, Evolve Cleffa (Lv15)36Pokédex (36)ClefableFairyMt. Moon Summit, Evolve Clefairy (Moon Stone)37Pokédex (37)VulpixFireRoute 7, 8, 36, 37, Pokémon Mansion38Pokédex (38)NinetalesFireEvolve Vulpix (Fire Stone)39Pokédex (39)JigglypuffNormalFairyRoute 5, Evolve Igglybuff (Lv15)40Pokédex (40)WigglytuffNormalFairyRoute 34, 46, Cerulean Cave, Evolve Jigglypuff (Moon Stone)41Pokédex (41)ZubatPoisonFlyingRoute 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, Celadon City, Mt. Moon, Mt. Moon Summit, Rock Tunnel42Pokédex (42)GolbatPoisonFlyingMt. Mortar (static), Route 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Ilex Forest, Mt. Moon Summit, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Pokémon Tower, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands, Sky Pillar, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Victory Road, Evolve Zubat (Lv22)Evolve Lv4043Pokédex (43)OddishGrassPoisonRoute 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, Hidden Forest44Pokédex (44)GloomGrassPoisonRoute 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, Berry Forest, Bond Bridge, Boon Island, Cerulean Cave, Ilex Forest, Evolve Oddish (Lv21)Evolve w/ Leaf Stone or Sun Stone45Pokédex (45)VileplumeGrassPoisonEvolve Gloom (Leaf Stone)46Pokédex (46)ParasBugGrassViridian Forest (static), Mt. Moon, National Park, Safari Zone A2, A347Pokédex (47)ParasectBugGrassCerulean Cave, Ilex Forest, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, Evolve Paras (Lv24)48Pokédex (48)VenonatBugPoisonRoute 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Berry Forest, National Park, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A449Pokédex (49)VenomothBugPoisonRoute 12, 14, 18, 43, Berry Forest, Cerulean Cave, Hidden Forest, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, Evolve Venonat (Lv31)50Pokédex (50)DiglettGroundSafari Zone A5 (static), Diglett's Cave, Safari Zone A551Pokédex (51)DugtrioGroundDiglett's Cave, Evolve Diglett (Lv26)52Pokédex (52)MeowthNormalRoute 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, Celadon City, Kindle Road, Viridian Forest53Pokédex (53)PersianNormalRoute 9, 16, Boon Island, Cerulean Cave, Kindle Road, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, Evolve Meowth (Lv28)54Pokédex (54)PsyduckWaterRoute 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 35, Berry Forest, Boon Island, Cerulean Cape, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Chrono Island, Cinnabar Island, Crimson City, Pallet Town, Ruins of Alph, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Seafoam Islands, Treasure Beach, Vermillion City, Viridian River55Pokédex (55)GolduckWaterRoute 35, Berry Forest, Brine Road, Cerulean Cave, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Seafoam Islands, Evolve Psyduck (Lv33)56Pokédex (56)MankeyFightingRoute 3, 4, 6, 9, 22, 23, Rock Tunnel57Pokédex (57)PrimeapeFightingRoute 9, 23, 42, Evolve Mankey (Lv28)58Pokédex (58)GrowlitheFireS.S. Anne (trade), Route 7, 8, 36, 37, Pokémon Mansion59Pokédex (59)ArcanineFireEvolve Growlithe (Fire Stone)60Pokédex (60)PoliwagWaterRoute 5 (trade), Route 2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 35, 43, 44, Blackthorn City, Cerulean Cape, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Cinnabar Island, Crimson City, Ilex Forest, Mt. Silver Base, Pallet Town, Ruins of Alph, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Treasure Beach, Vermillion City, Violet City, Viridian River61Pokédex (61)PoliwhirlWaterRoute 6, 8, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 35, 43, 44, Blackthorn City, Cerulean Cape, Cherrygrove City, Crimson City, Ilex Forest, Mt. Silver Base, Pallet Town, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, Violet City, Evolve Poliwag (Lv25)Evolve w/ Water Stone or King's Rock or Lv3762Pokédex (62)PoliwrathWaterFightingRoute 30, 31, 35, 43, Cherrygrove City, Ilex Forest, Mt. Silver Base, Violet City, Evolve Poliwhirl (Water Stone)63Pokédex (63)AbraPsychicCeladon Game Corner (gift), Route 2464Pokédex (64)KadabraPsychicRoute 34, 35, Cerulean Cave, Evolve Abra (Lv16)65Pokédex (65)AlakazamPsychicCerulean Cave, Evolve Kadabra (Lv40 or Linking Cord)66Pokédex (66)MachopFightingMt. Ember, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road67Pokédex (67)MachokeFightingMt. Mortar (static), Cerulean Cave, Mt. Ember, Mt. Mortar, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road, Evolve Machop (Lv28)68Pokédex (68)MachampFightingMt. Mortar, Evolve Machoke (Lv40 or Linking Cord)69Pokédex (69)BellsproutGrassPoisonViridian City (trade), Route 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 24, 4470Pokédex (70)WeepinbellGrassPoisonRoute 12, 13, 14, 15, 30, 31, 32, 44, Bond Bridge, Boon Island, Cerulean Cave, Evolve Bellsprout (Lv21)71Pokédex (71)VictreebelGrassPoisonEvolve Weepinbell (Leaf Stone)72Pokédex (72)TentacoolWaterPoisonRoute 4, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 32, 34, 42, Bond Bridge, Boon Island, Brine Road, Celadon Sewers, Cerulean City, Chrono Island, Cinnabar Island, Crimson City, Kin Island, Kindle Road, Knot Island, Offshore Road, Resort Gorgeous, Treasure Beach, Vermillion City, Water Labyrinth73Pokédex (73)TentacruelWaterPoisonRoute 4, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 32, 34, 42, Bond Bridge, Boon Island, Cerulean City, Chrono Island, Cinnabar Island, Crimson City, Kin Island, Kindle Road, Knot Island, Offshore Road, Resort Gorgeous, Treasure Beach, Vermillion City, Water Labyrinth, Evolve Tentacool (Lv30)74Pokédex (74)GeodudeRockGroundRock Smash (static), Mt. Ember, Mt. Moon, Mt. Moon Summit, Offshore Road, Rock Tunnel75Pokédex (75)GravelerRockGroundMt. Mortar (static), Route 23, 46, Blackthorn City, Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Mt. Ember, Mt. Moon Summit, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Offshore Road, Rock Tunnel, Union Cave, Victory Road, Evolve Geodude (Lv25)76Pokédex (76)GolemRockGroundMt. Mortar, Evolve Graveler (Lv40 or Linking Cord)77Pokédex (77)PonytaFireCeladon City (trade), Route 17, 26, 27, Kindle Road, Mt. Ember78Pokédex (78)RapidashFireRoute 26, 27, Cerulean Cave, Kindle Road, Mt. Silver Base, Evolve Ponyta (Lv40)79Pokédex (79)SlowpokeWaterPsychicVermillion City (trade), Route 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, Boon Island, Cerulean Cape, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Chrono Island, Cinnabar Island, Crimson City, Dark Cave, Pallet Town, Ruins of Alph, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Seafoam Islands, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Treasure Beach, Vermillion City, Viridian RiverEvolve w/ Water Stone or King's Rock or Lv3780Pokédex (80)SlowbroWaterPsychicMt. Mortar (static), Bond Bridge, Cerulean Cave, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Seafoam Islands, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Treasure Beach, Evolve Slowpoke (Lv37)81Pokédex (81)MagnemiteSteelElectricRoute 9, 10, 23, Celadon Sewers, Power Plant82Pokédex (82)MagnetonSteelElectricRoute 23, Cerulean Cave, P2 Laboratory, Power Plant, Evolve Magnemite (Lv30)Evolve w/ Magnet Stone83Pokédex (83)Farfetch'dNormalFlyingVermillion City (trade), Route 13, Viridian River84Pokédex (84)DoduoNormalFlyingVermillion City (trade), Route 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, Safari Zone A2, A485Pokédex (85)DodrioNormalFlyingRoute 26, 27, Cerulean Cave, Mt. Silver Base, Evolve Doduo (Lv31)86Pokédex (86)SeelWaterS.S. Anne (trade), Cinnabar Island (trade), Route 19, 20, 23, Cinnabar Island, Crimson City, Offshore Road, Seafoam Islands, Treasure Beach87Pokédex (87)DewgongWaterIceCrimson City, Seafoam Islands, Evolve Seel (Lv34)88Pokédex (88)GrimerPoisonRoute 17 (quest), Route 14, 15, 17, Celadon City, Celadon Sewers, Pokémon Mansion, Power Plant89Pokédex (89)MukPoisonRoute 17 (quest), Route 14, 15, 17, Celadon City, Celadon Sewers, Pokémon Mansion, Evolve Grimer (Lv38)90Pokédex (90)ShellderWaterRoute 17, 23, 26, 27, 42, Boon Island, Brine Road, Chrono Island, Crimson City, Kin Island, Kindle Road, Knot Island, Resort Gorgeous, Ruins of Alph, Seafoam Islands, Vermillion City, Water Labyrinth91Pokédex (91)CloysterWaterIceDeep Sea (static), Seafoam Islands, Evolve Shellder (Water Stone)92Pokédex (92)GastlyGhostPoisonBurned Tower, Pokémon Tower93Pokédex (93)HaunterGhostPoisonBurned Tower, Pokémon Tower, Evolve Gastly (Lv25)94Pokédex (94)GengarGhostPoisonPokémon Tower, Evolve Haunter (Lv40 or Linking Cord)95Pokédex (95)OnixRockGroundMt. Mortar (static), Mt. Moon, Mt. Moon Summit, Mt. Silver, Rock Tunnel, Union Cave, Victory RoadEvolve Lv4096Pokédex (96)DrowzeePsychicRoute 11, 35, Berry Forest, Pokémon Tower97Pokédex (97)HypnoPsychicRoute 34, 35, Berry Forest, Cerulean Cave, Evolve Drowzee (Lv26)98Pokédex (98)KrabbyWaterRoute 4, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 34, Brine Road, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Cinnabar Island, Deep Sea, Offshore Road, Ruins of Alph, Seafoam Islands, Submerged Temple, Treasure Beach, Vermillion City99Pokédex (99)KinglerWaterRoute 34, Cerulean Cave, Seafoam Islands, Treasure Beach, Evolve Krabby (Lv28)100Pokédex (100)VoltorbElectricVermillion City (trade), Power Plant (static), Route 9, 10, Power Plant101Pokédex (101)ElectrodeElectricCinnabar Island (trade), Power Plant (static), Cerulean Cave, Power Plant, Evolve Voltorb (Lv30)102Pokédex (102)ExeggcuteGrassPsychicVermillion City (trade), Route 35, Berry Forest, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4103Pokédex (103)ExeggutorGrassPsychicEvolve Exeggcute (Leaf Stone)104Pokédex (104)CuboneGroundRoute 10, Pokémon Tower, Rock Tunnel105Pokédex (105)MarowakGroundMt. Mortar (static), Cerulean Cave, Victory Road, Evolve Cubone (Lv28)106Pokédex (106)HitmonleeFightingFighting Dojo (gift), Route 23, Evolve Tyrogue (Lv20 Attack > Defense)107Pokédex (107)HitmonchanFightingFighting Dojo (gift), Route 23, Evolve Tyrogue (Lv20 Attack < Defense)108Pokédex (108)LickitungNormalRoute 44, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4Evolve w/ Rollout109Pokédex (109)KoffingPoisonCeladon City, Pokémon Mansion110Pokédex (110)WeezingPoisonBurned Tower, Pokémon Mansion, Evolve Koffing (Lv35)111Pokédex (111)RhyhornGroundRockSafari Zone A1, A3, A5, Victory Road112Pokédex (112)RhydonGroundRockCerulean Cave, Evolve Rhyhorn (Lv42)Evolve Lv55113Pokédex (113)ChanseyNormalCinnabar Island (trade), Cerulean Cave, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, Evolve Happiny (holding Oval Stone @ 5am-7pm)Evolve Lv42114Pokédex (114)TangelaGrassRoute 1, 21, 44, Secret Garden, Treasure BeachEvolve w/ Anicent Power115Pokédex (115)KangaskhanNormalSafari Zone A2, A4116Pokédex (116)HorseaWaterRoute 4, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, Bond Bridge, Boon Island, Brine Road, Cerulean City, Chrono Island, Cinnabar Island, Kin Island, Offshore Road, P2 Laboratory, Resort Gorgeous, Ruins of Alph, Seafoam Islands, Treasure Beach, Vermillion City, Water Labyrinth117Pokédex (117)SeadraWaterDeep Sea (static), Route 19, 20, Bond Bridge, Cerulean Cave, Cinnabar Island, Deep Sea, Offshore Road, P2 Laboratory, Seafoam Islands, Treasure Beach, Evolve Horsea (Lv32)Evolve Lv50118Pokédex (118)GoldeenWaterRoute 4, 10, 12, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, Cerulean Cape, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Cherrygrove City, Crimson City, Dark Cave, Mt. Mortar, Pallet Town, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Vermillion City, Viridian River119Pokédex (119)SeakingWaterDeep Sea (static), Route 4, 10, 12, 17, 18, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Cherrygrove City, Crimson City, Dark Cave, Deep Sea, Mt. Mortar, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Vermillion City, Viridian River, Evolve Goldeen (Lv33)120Pokédex (120)StaryuWaterRoute 17, 34, Ruins of Alph, Seafoam Islands, Vermillion City121Pokédex (121)StarmieWaterPsychicSeafoam Islands, Evolve Staryu (Water Stone)122Pokédex (122)Mr. MimePsychicRoute 2 (trade), Route 21, Evolve Mime Jr. (Learns Mimic @ Lv15)123Pokédex (123)ScytherBugFlyingCeladon Game Corner (gift), National Park, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4Evolve Lv40124Pokédex (124)JynxIcePsychicSeafoam Islands (static), Seafoam Islands, Evolve Smoochum (Lv21)125Pokédex (125)ElectabuzzElectricPower Plant (static), Power Plant, Evolve Elekid (Lv21)Evolve Lv50126Pokédex (126)MagmarFirePokémon Mansion (static), Burned Tower, Mt. Ember, Evolve Magby (Lv21)Evolve Lv50127Pokédex (127)PinsirBugCeladon Game Corner (gift), National Park, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4128Pokédex (128)TaurosNormalSafari Zone A3, A4129Pokédex (129)MagikarpWaterRoute 3 (gift), Route 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, Blackthorn City, Bond Bridge, Boon Island, Brine Road, Celadon City, Celadon Sewers, Cerulean Cape, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Chrono Island, Cinnabar Island, Crimson City, Dark Cave, Dragon's Den, Ilex Forest, Kin Island, Kindle Road, Knot Island, Lake of Rage, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver Base, Offshore Road, P2 Laboratory, Pallet Town, Resort Gorgeous, Ruins of Alph, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Treasure Beach, Union Cave, Vermillion City, Violet City, Viridian River, Water Labyrinth130Pokédex (130)GyaradosWaterFlyingDeep Sea (static), Route 4, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, Cerulean Cape, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Cinnabar Island, Crimson City, Lake of Rage, Offshore Road, Ruins of Alph, Treasure Beach, Vermillion City, Evolve Magikarp (Lv20)131Pokédex (131)LaprasWaterIceSilph Co. (gift), Union Cave (static), Treasure Beach132Pokédex (132)DittoNormalRoute 34, 35, Cerulean Cave, Pokémon Mansion, Secret Garden133Pokédex (133)EeveeNormalCeladon City (quest), Celadon City, Secret GardenEvolve w/ Water Stone, Thunder Stone, Fire Stone, Sun Stone, Moon Stone, Leaf Stone, Ice Stone, and Shiny Stone134Pokédex (134)VaporeonWaterEvolve Eevee (Water Stone)135Pokédex (135)JolteonElectricEvolve Eevee (Thunder Stone)136Pokédex (136)FlareonFireEvolve Eevee (Fire Stone)137Pokédex (137)PorygonNormalBill's Lighthouse (gift), Celadon Game Corner (gift), CyberspaceEvolve w/ Upgrade138Pokédex (138)OmanyteRockWaterMt. Moon (gift), Cinnabar Island (quest), Rock Smash (fossil)Helix Fossil, Fossils can only found by rock smash after the elite four139Pokédex (139)OmastarRockWaterEvolve Omanyte (Lv40)140Pokédex (140)KabutoRockWaterMt. Moon (gift), Cinnabar Island (quest), Rock Smash (fossil)Dome Fossil, Fossils can only found by rock smash after the elite four141Pokédex (141)KabutopsRockWaterEvolve Kabuto (Lv40)142Pokédex (142)AerodactylRockFlyingPewter City (quest)Old Amber143Pokédex (143)SnorlaxNormalRoute 12, 16 (static), Route 23, Evolve Munchlax (Lv30)144Pokédex (144)ArticunoIceFlyingSeafoam Islands (legendary)145Pokédex (145)ZapdosElectricFlyingPower Plant (legendary)146Pokédex (146)MoltresFireFlyingMt. Ember (legendary)147Pokédex (147)DratiniDragonCeladon Game Corner (gift), Blackthorn City, Dragon's Den, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5148Pokédex (148)DragonairDragonDragon's Den, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A5, Evolve Dratini (Lv30)149Pokédex (149)DragoniteDragonFlyingDragon's Den, Evolve Dragonair (Lv55)150Pokédex (150)MewtwoPsychicCerulean Cave (legendary)151Pokédex (151)MewPsychicMt. Moon Summit (legendary), Viridian River (legendary)Based on Karma* Pokemon learnset is based off of Gen VII.
* Additional Pokémon from generations 3 to 7 do not match their official Pokédex numbers.
* Static, Trade, or Gift Pokemon are in Bold Italics, ones without Bold Italics are wild encounters.
DexPokémonTypeLocationNotes152Pokédex (152)ChikoritaGrassViridian River (static), Silph Co. (gift), Goldenrod City (gift), New Bark Town (gift)153Pokédex (153)BayleefGrassEvolve Chikorita (Lv16)154Pokédex (154)MeganiumGrassEvolve Bayleef (Lv32)155Pokédex (155)CyndaquilFireViridian River (static), Silph Co. (gift), Goldenrod City (gift), New Bark Town (gift)156Pokédex (156)QuilavaFireEvolve Cyndaquil (Lv14)157Pokédex (157)TyphlosionFireEvolve Quilava (Lv36)158Pokédex (158)TotodileWaterViridian River (static), Silph Co. (gift), Goldenrod City (gift), New Bark Town (gift)159Pokédex (159)CroconawWaterEvolve Totodile (Lv18)160Pokédex (160)FeraligatrWaterEvolve Croconaw (Lv30)161Pokédex (161)SentretNormalRoute 2162Pokédex (162)FurretNormalRoute 29, Chrono Island, Evolve Sentret (Lv15)163Pokédex (163)HoothootNormalFlyingRoute 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 22, 36, Viridian Forest164Pokédex (164)NoctowlNormalFlyingRoute 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, Hidden Forest, Viridian River, Evolve Hoothoot (Lv20)165Pokédex (165)LedybaBugFlyingViridian Forest166Pokédex (166)LedianBugFlyingRoute 29, 30, 31, Hidden Forest, Evolve Ledyba (Lv18)167Pokédex (167)SpinarakBugPoisonViridian Forest (static)168Pokédex (168)AriadosBugPoisonViridian Forest (static), Route 29, 30, 31, 37, Sky Pillar, Evolve Spinarak (Lv22)169Pokédex (169)CrobatPoisonFlyingMt. Mortar (static), Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Evolve Golbat (Lv40)170Pokédex (170)ChinchouWaterElectricDeep Sea (static), Route 20, 26, 27, 42, Boon Island, Brine Road, Chrono Island, Deep Sea, Kin Island, Kindle Road, Knot Island, Resort Gorgeous, Submerged Temple, Water Labyrinth171Pokédex (171)LanturnWaterElectricDeep Sea (static), Route 26, 27, 42, Boon Island, Brine Road, Deep Sea, Kin Island, Kindle Road, Knot Island, Resort Gorgeous, Water Labyrinth, Evolve Chinchou (Lv27)172Pokédex (172)PichuElectricKanto Daycare (gift), Viridian ForestEvolve Lv15173Pokédex (173)CleffaFairyKanto Daycare (gift), Route 3, 4, Mt. MoonEvolve Lv15174Pokédex (174)IgglybuffNormalFairyKanto Daycare (gift), Route 3Evolve Lv15175Pokédex (175)TogepiFairyRoute 5 (Pokéradar), Kanto Daycare (gift), Deep SeaEvolve Lv15176Pokédex (176)TogeticFairyFlyingDeep Sea, Evolve Togepi (Lv15)Evolve w/ Shiny Stone177Pokédex (177)NatuPsychicFlyingRoute 16 (Pokéradar), Ruins of Alph178Pokédex (178)XatuPsychicFlyingEvolve Natu (Lv25)179Pokédex (179)MareepElectricRoute 11 (trade), Route 11, 32180Pokédex (180)FlaaffyElectricRoute 32, 42, 43, Lake of Rage, Evolve Mareep (Lv15)181Pokédex (181)AmpharosElectricEvolve Flaaffy (Lv30)182Pokédex (182)BellossomGrassRoute 31 (Pokéradar), Bond Bridge, Evolve Gloom (Sun Stone)183Pokédex (183)MarillWaterFairyViridian River, Evolve Azurill (Lv15)184Pokédex (184)AzumarillWaterFairyMt. Mortar (static), Mt. Mortar, Viridian River, Evolve Marill (Lv18)185Pokédex (185)SudowoodoRockRoute 36 (static) (Pokéradar), Evolve Bonsly (Learns Mimic @ Lv15)186Pokédex (186)PolitoedWaterRoute 30, 31, 35, 43, Ilex Forest, Mt. Silver Base, Violet City, Evolve Poliwhirl (Lv37 or King's Rock)187Pokédex (187)HoppipGrassFlyingRoute 4188Pokédex (188)SkiploomGrassFlyingRoute 32, 33, Brine Road, Chrono Island, Evolve Hoppip (Lv18)189Pokédex (189)JumpluffGrassFlyingRoute 29, 32, 33, Brine Road, Evolve Skiploom (Lv27)190Pokédex (190)AipomNormalBond Bridge, Ilex ForestEvolve w/ Double Hit191Pokédex (191)SunkernGrassRoute 3192Pokédex (192)SunfloraGrassEvolve Sunkern (Sun Stone)193Pokédex (193)YanmaBugFlyingCerulean City (trade), Route 35, Viridian RiverEvolve w/ Ancient Power194Pokédex (194)WooperWaterGroundCerulean City (gift), Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Viridian River195Pokédex (195)QuagsireWaterGroundMt. Mortar (static), Route 26, 27, 32, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Viridian River, Evolve Wooper (Lv20)196Pokédex (196)EspeonPsychicEvolve Eevee (Sun Stone)197Pokédex (197)UmbreonDarkEvolve Eevee (Moon Stone)198Pokédex (198)MurkrowDarkFlyingRoute 7, 16, 33, Hidden ForestEvolve w/ Dusk Stone199Pokédex (199)SlowkingWaterPsychicSlowpoke Well, Evolve Slowpoke (Water Stone or King's Rock)200Pokédex (200)MisdreavusGhostBurned Tower, Mt. Silver, Pokémon TowerEvolve w/ Dusk Stone201Pokédex (201)UnownPsychicRuins of Alph202Pokédex (202)WobbuffetPsychicMt. Mortar (static), Dark Cave, Evolve Wynaut (Lv15)203Pokédex (203)GirafarigNormalPsychicRoute 26, 27, 43, Bond Bridge204Pokédex (204)PinecoBugPewter City (gift), Route 30, 31 (quest), Route 43, Ilex Forest, Lake of Rage, Viridian River205Pokédex (205)ForretressBugSteelEvolve Pineco (Lv31)206Pokédex (206)DunsparceNormalRoute 21 (Pokéradar), Chrono Island, Dark Cave207Pokédex (207)GligarGroundFlyingFuchsia City (trade), Route 46, Blackthorn CityEvolve w/ Dusk Stone208Pokédex (208)SteelixSteelGroundMt. Silver, Mt. Silver Base, Union Cave, Victory Road, Evolve Onix (Lv40 or Metal Coat)209Pokédex (209)SnubbullFairyRoute 8210Pokédex (210)GranbullFairyRoute 34, Evolve Snubbull (Lv23)211Pokédex (211)QwilfishWaterPoisonRoute 12, 13, 32, Bond Bridge, Offshore Road, P2 Laboratory212Pokédex (212)ScizorBugSteelEvolve Scyther (Lv40 or Metal Coat)213Pokédex (213)ShuckleBugRockRock Tunnel, Union Cave214Pokédex (214)HeracrossBugFightingSafari Zone A3 (trade), Ilex Forest215Pokédex (215)SneaselDarkIceGoldenrod City (trade), Ice Mountains, Mt. Silver, Seafoam IslandsEvolve w/ Ice Stone216Pokédex (216)TeddiursaNormalRoute 5, Mt. Silver217Pokédex (217)UrsaringNormalMt. Mortar (static), Blackthorn City, Dark Cave, Ice Mountains, Mt. Silver, Mt. Silver Base, Victory Road, Evolve Teddiursa (Lv30)218Pokédex (218)SlugmaFireRuby Chamber (static), Route 16, 17, Mt. Ember219Pokédex (219)MagcargoFireRockRuby Chamber (static), Mt. Ember, Evolve Slugma (Lv38)220Pokédex (220)SwinubIceGroundIce Cavern, Seafoam Islands221Pokédex (221)PiloswineIceGroundIce Cavern, Ice Mountains, Evolve Swinub (Lv33)Evolve w/ Anicent Power222Pokédex (222)CorsolaWaterRockRoute 21, 34, Boon Island, Brine Road, Chrono Island, Kin Island, Kindle Road, Knot Island, Resort Gorgeous, Submerged Temple, Water Labyrinth223Pokédex (223)RemoraidWaterRoute 20, 21, 23, 44, Offshore Road224Pokédex (224)OctilleryWaterRoute 21, 23, Deep Sea, Offshore Road, Evolve Remoraid (Lv25)225Pokédex (225)DelibirdIceFlyingIce Mountains226Pokédex (226)MantineWaterFlyingDeep Sea (static), Route 20, Brine Road, Submerged Temple, Evolve Mantyke (Lv20)227Pokédex (227)SkarmorySteelFlyingCinnabar Island (trade), Blackthorn City, Ice Mountains, Mt. Silver228Pokédex (228)HoundourDarkFireRoute 7229Pokédex (229)HoundoomDarkFireEvolve Houndour (Lv24)230Pokédex (230)KingdraWaterDragonRoute 32, P2 Laboratory, Evolve Seadra (Lv50 or Dragon Scale)231Pokédex (231)PhanpyGroundRoute 9, 10, Mt. Silver232Pokédex (232)DonphanGroundRoute 46, Blackthorn City, Boon Island, Mt. Silver, Mt. Silver Base, Victory Road, Evolve Phanpy (Lv25)233Pokédex (233)Porygon2NormalEvolve Porygon (Upgrade)Evolve w/ Dubious Disc234Pokédex (234)StantlerNormalRoute 36, 37, Berry Forest235Pokédex (235)SmeargleNormalSaffron Nightclub (quest), Route 35 (Pokéradar), Brine Road, Ruins of Alph236Pokédex (236)TyrogueFightingPewter City (trade), Mt. Mortar (static), Route 23Evolve Lv20 based on Attack / Defense237Pokédex (237)HitmontopFightingFighting Dojo (gift), Evolve Tyrogue (Lv20 Attack = Defense)238Pokédex (238)SmoochumIcePsychicKanto Daycare (gift)Evolve Lv21239Pokédex (239)ElekidElectricKanto Daycare (gift), Celadon City (trade)Evolve Lv21240Pokédex (240)MagbyFireKanto Daycare (gift)Evolve Lv21241Pokédex (241)MiltankNormalRoute 18242Pokédex (242)BlisseyNormalEvolve Chansey (Lv42)243Pokédex (243)RaikouElectricRoaming after Ruins of Alph (legendary)244Pokédex (244)EnteiFireVictory Road, Roaming after (legendary)245Pokédex (245)SuicuneWaterRoaming after Ruins of Alph (legendary)246Pokédex (246)LarvitarRockGroundSafari Zone A4 (Pokéradar), Crimson City (trade), Mt. Silver, Mt. Silver Base247Pokédex (247)PupitarRockGroundMt. Silver, Evolve Larvitar (Lv30)248Pokédex (248)TyranitarRockDarkEvolve Pupitar (Lv55)249Pokédex (249)LugiaPsychicFlyingNavel Rock (legendary)250Pokédex (250)Ho-ohFireFlyingNavel Rock (legendary)251Pokédex (251)CelebiPsychicGrassIlex Forest (legendary)GS Ball after 40 Quests* Pokemon learnset is based off of Gen VII.
* Additional Pokémon from generations 3 to 7 do not match their official Pokédex numbers.
* Static, Trade, or Gift Pokemon are in Bold Italics, ones without Bold Italics are wild encounters.
DexPokémonTypeLocationNotes252Pokédex (252)AzurillNormalFairyKanto Daycare (gift)Evolve Lv15253Pokédex (253)WynautPsychicLavender Town (gift)Evolve Lv15254Pokédex (254)AmbipomNormalRoute 29, Bond Bridge, Deep Sea, Evolve Aipom (Learns Double Hit @ Lv32)255Pokédex (255)MismagiusGhostEvolve Misdreavus (Dusk Stone)256Pokédex (256)HonchkrowDarkFlyingEvolve Murkrow (Dusk Stone)257Pokédex (257)BonslyRockKanto Daycare (gift), Route 37Evolve w/ Mimic258Pokédex (258)Mime Jr.PsychicFairyRoute 1, Secret GardenEvolve w/ Mimic259Pokédex (259)HappinyNormalKanto Daycare (gift)Evolve w/ holding Oval Stone260Pokédex (260)MunchlaxNormalRoute 23Evolve Lv30261Pokédex (261)MantykeWaterFlyingKanto Daycare (gift)Evolve Lv20262Pokédex (262)WeavileDarkIceIce Mountains (Pokéradar), Mt. Silver, Evolve Sneasel (Ice Stone)263Pokédex (263)MagnezoneSteelElectricP2 Laboratory, Evolve Magneton (Magnet Stone)264Pokédex (264)LickilickyNormalRoute 44, Evolve Lickitung (Learns Rollout @ Lv33)265Pokédex (265)RhyperiorGroundRockEvolve Rhydon (Lv55 or Protector)266Pokédex (266)TangrowthGrassRoute 44, Evolve Tangela (Learns Ancient Power @ Lv38)267Pokédex (267)ElectivireElectricEvolve Electabuzz (Lv50 or Electirizer)268Pokédex (268)MagmortarFireEvolve Magmar (Lv50 or Magmarizer)269Pokédex (269)TogekissFairyFlyingEvolve Togetic (Shiny Stone)270Pokédex (270)YanmegaBugFlyingEvolve Yanma (Learns Ancient Power @ Lv33)271Pokédex (271)LeafeonGrassEvolve Eevee (Leaf Stone)272Pokédex (272)GlaceonIceEvolve Eevee (Ice Stone)273Pokédex (273)GliscorGroundFlyingEvolve Gligar (Dusk Stone)274Pokédex (274)MamoswineIceGroundEvolve Piloswine (Learns Ancient Power @ Lv1)Move Reminder in Pokemon Center 2F275Pokédex (275)Porygon-ZNormalEvolve Porygon2 (Dubious Disc)276Pokédex (276)TreeckoGrassViridian River (static), Pallet Town (gift) (trade), New Bark Town (trade)Oak give you one at post game after E4277Pokédex (277)GrovyleGrassEvolve Treecko (Lv16)278Pokédex (278)SceptileGrassEvolve Grovyle (Lv36)279Pokédex (279)TorchicFireViridian River (static), Pallet Town (gift) (trade), New Bark Town (trade)Oak give you one at post game after E4280Pokédex (280)CombuskenFireFightingEvolve Torchic (Lv16)281Pokédex (281)BlazikenFireFightingEvolve Combusken (Lv36)282Pokédex (282)MudkipWaterViridian River (static), Pallet Town (gift) (trade), New Bark Town (trade)Oak give you one at post game after E4283Pokédex (283)MarshtompWaterGroundEvolve Mudkip (Lv16)284Pokédex (284)SwampertWaterGroundEvolve Marshtomp (Lv36)285Pokédex (285)RaltsPsychicFairyNational Park (gift)286Pokédex (286)KirliaPsychicFairyRoute 34 (Pokéradar), Evolve Ralts (Lv20)287Pokédex (287)GardevoirPsychicFairyEvolve Kirlia (Lv30)288Pokédex (288)GalladePsychicFightingEvolve Kirlia (Dawn Stone)289Pokédex (289)ShedinjaBugGhostIlex Forest (static), Evolve Nincada (Lv20)Must Have Empty Slot and a Pokeball290Pokédex (290)KecleonNormalSaffron City (quest), Chrono Island (Pokéradar)291Pokédex (291)BeldumSteelPsychicSafari Zone A5 (Pokéradar), Violet City (gift)292Pokédex (292)MetangSteelPsychicMt. Mortar (static), Sky Pillar, Evolve Beldum (Lv20)293Pokédex (293)MetagrossSteelPsychicEvolve Metang (Lv45)294Pokédex (294)BidoofNormalRoute 22, 29 (Pokéradar), Route 29 (gift), Route 42, 43, Lake of RageEvolve Lv15295Pokédex (295)SpiritombDarkGhostOdd Keystone (static)Fill the Odd Keystone from Pokémon Tower at Route 36296Pokédex (296)LucarioFightingSteelBlackthorn City (quest), Mt. Mortar (static), Evolve Riolu (Lv20)297Pokédex (297)GibleDragonGroundDragon's Den (gift)298Pokédex (298)GabiteDragonGroundEvolve Gible (Lv24)299Pokédex (299)GarchompDragonGroundEvolve Gabite (Lv48)300Pokédex (300)MawileSteelFairyCrimson City (static), Mt. Mortar (static), Sky Pillar301Pokédex (301)LileepRockGrassS.S. Anne (gift), Rock Smash (fossil)Root Fossil, Fossil Maniac 2nd Encounter, Rock Smash Fossils Postgame only302Pokédex (302)CradilyRockGrassEvolve Lileep (Lv40)303Pokédex (303)AnorithRockBugS.S. Anne (gift), Rock Smash (fossil)Claw Fossil, Fossil Maniac 2nd Encounter, Rock Smash Fossils Postgame only304Pokédex (304)ArmaldoRockBugEvolve Anorith (Lv40)305Pokédex (305)CranidosRockCeladon Cafe (gift), Rock Smash (fossil)Skull Fossil, Fossil Maniac 3rd Encounter, Rock Smash Fossils Postgame only306Pokédex (306)RampardosRockEvolve Cranidos (Lv30)307Pokédex (307)ShieldonRockSteelCeladon Cafe (gift), Rock Smash (fossil)Armor Fossil, Fossil Maniac 3rd Encounter, Rock Smash Fossils Postgame only308Pokédex (308)BastiodonRockSteelEvolve Shieldon (Lv30)309Pokédex (309)SlakingNormalRoute 46 (static), Evolve Vigoroth (Lv36)310Pokédex (310)AbsolDarkCinnabar Island (static), Route 26, 27 (Pokéradar), Mt. Mortar (static), Chrono Island, Mt. Mortar311Pokédex (311)DuskullGhostHidden Forest, Hidden TombHidden Tomb Quest312Pokédex (312)DusclopsGhostSky Pillar, Evolve Duskull (Lv37)313Pokédex (313)DusknoirGhostEvolve Dusclops (Lv50 or Reaper Cloth)314Pokédex (314)WailordWaterEvolve Wailmer (Lv40)315Pokédex (315)ArceusNormalHall of Origin (legendary)316Pokédex (316)TurtwigGrassKnot Island (gift), Kin Island (gift), Viridian River (static)317Pokédex (317)GrotleGrassEvolve Turtwig (Lv18)318Pokédex (318)TorterraGrassGroundEvolve Grotle (Lv32)319Pokédex (319)ChimcharFireKnot Island (gift), Kin Island (gift), Viridian River (static)320Pokédex (320)MonfernoFireFightingEvolve Chimchar (Lv14)321Pokédex (321)InfernapeFireFightingEvolve Monferno (Lv36)322Pokédex (322)PiplupWaterKnot Island (gift), Kin Island (gift), Viridian River (static)323Pokédex (323)PrinplupWaterEvolve Piplup (Lv16)324Pokédex (324)EmpoleonWaterSteelEvolve Prinplup (Lv36)325Pokédex (325)NosepassRockMt. Mortar (static), Kindle Road, Mt. Ember, Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Sky Pillar326Pokédex (326)ProbopassRockSteelEvolve Nosepass (Magnet Stone)327Pokédex (327)HonedgeSteelGhostRock Tunnel (gift), Offshore Road328Pokédex (328)DoubladeSteelGhostEvolve Honedge (Lv35)329Pokédex (329)AegislashSteelGhostEvolve Doublade (Dusk Stone)330Pokédex (330)PawniardDarkSteelKnot Island (gift), P2 Laboratory331Pokédex (331)BisharpDarkSteelEvolve Pawniard (Lv52)332Pokédex (332)LuxrayElectricMt. Mortar (static), Evolve Luxio (Lv30)333Pokédex (333)AggronSteelRockMt. Mortar (static), Evolve Lairon (Lv42)334Pokédex (334)FlygonGroundDragonKindle Road (static), Evolve Vibrava (Lv45)335Pokédex (335)MiloticWaterEvolve Feebas (Lv35 or Prism Scale)336Pokédex (336)SalamenceDragonFlyingEvolve Shelgon (Lv50)337Pokédex (337)KlinklangSteelRocket Warehouse (static), Evolve Klang (Lv49)338Pokédex (338)ZoroarkDarkBerry Forest (static), Evolve Zorua (Lv30)339Pokédex (339)SylveonFairyEvolve Eevee (Shiny Stone)340Pokédex (340)KyogreWaterSapphire Cave (legendary)341Pokédex (341)GroudonGroundRuby Chamber (legendary)342Pokédex (342)RayquazaDragonFlyingSky Pillar (legendary)343Pokédex (343)DialgaSteelDragonSinjoh Ruins (legendary), Boon Island (legendary)344Pokédex (344)PalkiaWaterDragonSinjoh Ruins (legendary), Blackthorn City (legendary)345Pokédex (345)GiratinaGhostDragonSinjoh Ruins (legendary), Route 4 (legendary)346Pokédex (346)RegigigasNormalSealed Chambers (legendary)347Pokédex (347)DarkraiDarkNewmoon Island (legendary)Lavender Orphanage Quest, Collect Feathers348Pokédex (348)GenesectBugSteelP2 Laboratory (legendary)349Pokédex (349)ReshiramDragonFireBell Tower (legendary)350Pokédex (350)ZekromDragonElectricBell Tower (legendary)351Pokédex (351)KyuremDragonIceLake of Rage (legendary)352Pokédex (352)RoseradeGrassPoisonEvolve Roselia (Shiny Stone)353Pokédex (353)DrifblimGhostFlyingEvolve Drifloon (Lv28)354Pokédex (354)LopunnyNormalEvolve Buneary (Lv22)355Pokédex (355)BreloomGrassFightingIlex Forest (Pokéradar), Evolve Shroomish (Lv23)356Pokédex (356)NinjaskBugFlyingBoon Island (Pokéradar), Evolve Nincada (Lv20)357Pokédex (357)BanetteGhostCreepy House (static), Evolve Shuppet (Lv37)358Pokédex (358)RotomElectricGhostSaffron City (static), Celadon City (static), Goldenrod City (static)359Pokédex (359)ReuniclusPsychicEvolve Duosion (Lv41)360Pokédex (360)WhimsicottGrassFairyEvolve Cottonee (Sun Stone)361Pokédex (361)KrookodileGroundDarkEvolve Krokorok (Lv40)362Pokédex (362)Cofa*grigusGhostSafari Zone Temple (static), Evolve Yamask (Lv34)363Pokédex (363)GalvantulaBugElectricEvolve Joltik (Lv36)364Pokédex (364)FerrothornGrassSteelEvolve Ferroseed (Lv40)365Pokédex (365)LitwickGhostFireCreepy House366Pokédex (366)LampentGhostFireCreepy House, Evolve Litwick (Lv41)367Pokédex (367)ChandelureGhostFireEvolve Lampent (Dusk Stone)368Pokédex (368)HaxorusDragonEvolve Fraxure (Lv48)369Pokédex (369)GolurkGroundGhostEvolve Golett (Lv43)370Pokédex (370)PyukumukuWaterViridian City (gift), Treasure Beach (static) (Pokéradar)Gift is on Second Playthroughs only371Pokédex (371)KlefkiSteelFairyRoute 17 (Pokéradar)372Pokédex (372)TalonflameFireFlyingEvolve Fletchinder (Lv35)373Pokédex (373)MimikyuGhostFairyCreepy House (static)374Pokédex (374)VolcaronaBugFireSafari Zone Temple (static), Evolve Larvesta (Lv59)375Pokédex (375)DeinoDarkDragonSafari Zone A3 (Pokéradar)376Pokédex (376)ZweilousDarkDragonEvolve Deino (Lv50)377Pokédex (377)HydreigonDarkDragonEvolve Zweilous (Lv64)378Pokédex (378)LatiasDragonPsychicRoaming Sevii Islands (legendary)TV at Boon Island379Pokédex (379)LatiosDragonPsychicRoaming Sevii Islands (legendary)TV at Boon Island380Pokédex (380)DeoxysPsychicBirth Island (legendary)381Pokédex (381)JirachiSteelPsychicDream World (legendary)After 777 encounters382Pokédex (382)NincadaBugGroundRoute 4, 11 (Pokéradar)Evolve Lv20383Pokédex (383)BibarelNormalWaterRoute 30 (Pokéradar), Evolve Bidoof (Lv15)384Pokédex (384)RioluFightingRoute 23 (Pokéradar)Evolve Lv20385Pokédex (385)SlakothNormalRoute 6 (Pokéradar)386Pokédex (386)VigorothNormalRoute 32 (Pokéradar), Evolve Slakoth (Lv18)Evolve Lv36387Pokédex (387)WailmerWaterBrine Road, Kindle Road, Knot Island, Offshore RoadEvolve Lv40388Pokédex (388)ShinxElectricRoute 8 (Pokéradar)389Pokédex (389)LuxioElectricRoute 33 (Pokéradar), Evolve Shinx (Lv15)Evolve Lv30390Pokédex (390)AronSteelRockRoute 9 (Pokéradar)391Pokédex (391)LaironSteelRockEvolve Aron (Lv32)Evolve Lv42392Pokédex (392)TrapinchGroundSafari Zone A5 (static), Safari Zone A5, Safari Zone Temple393Pokédex (393)VibravaGroundDragonSafari Zone A5, Evolve Trapinch (Lv35)Evolve Lv45394Pokédex (394)FeebasWaterRoaming Sevii Islands (static)Evolve Lv35, Fishing in the Rain, Talk to fisherman on Kin Island395Pokédex (395)BagonDragonSafari Zone A1 (Pokéradar), Knot Island (gift)396Pokédex (396)ShelgonDragonEvolve Bagon (Lv30)Evolve Lv50397Pokédex (397)KlinkSteelRoute 10 (Pokéradar), P2 Laboratory, Power Plant398Pokédex (398)KlangSteelP2 Laboratory, Evolve Klink (Lv38)Evolve Lv49399Pokédex (399)ZoruaDarkHidden ForestEvolve Lv30400Pokédex (400)BudewGrassPoisonRoute 3 (Pokéradar)401Pokédex (401)RoseliaGrassPoisonEvolve Budew (Lv15)Evolve w/ Shiny Stone402Pokédex (402)DrifloonGhostFlyingRoute 7 (Pokéradar)Evolve Lv28403Pokédex (403)BunearyNormalRoute 24 (Pokéradar)Evolve Lv22404Pokédex (404)ShroomishGrassViridian Forest (Pokéradar)Evolve Lv23405Pokédex (405)ShuppetGhostCreepy HouseEvolve Lv37406Pokédex (406)SolosisPsychicRoute 15 (Pokéradar)407Pokédex (407)DuosionPsychicEvolve Solosis (Lv32)Evolve Lv41408Pokédex (408)CottoneeGrassFairyRoute 12, 13 (Pokéradar)Evolve w/ Sun Stone409Pokédex (409)SandileGroundDarkSafari Zone A5 (static), Safari Zone A5410Pokédex (410)KrokorokGroundDarkEvolve Sandile (Lv29)Evolve Lv40411Pokédex (411)YamaskGhostSafari Zone TempleEvolve Lv34412Pokédex (412)JoltikBugElectricRoute 13, 14 (Pokéradar)Evolve Lv36413Pokédex (413)FerroseedGrassSteelRoute 18 (Pokéradar)Evolve Lv40414Pokédex (414)AxewDragonSafari Zone A2 (Pokéradar)415Pokédex (415)FraxureDragonEvolve Axew (Lv38)Evolve Lv48416Pokédex (416)GolettGroundGhostSafari Zone Temple (static), Ruins of Alph (Pokéradar), Safari Zone TempleEvolve Lv43417Pokédex (417)FletchlingNormalFlyingRoute 1, 2 (Pokéradar)418Pokédex (418)FletchinderFireFlyingMt. Ember (Pokéradar), Evolve Fletchling (Lv17)Evolve Lv35419Pokédex (419)LarvestaBugFireSafari Zone TempleEvolve Lv59420Pokédex (420)StunfiskGroundElectricRoute 15421Pokédex (421)SableyeDarkGhostCrimson City (static), Dark Cave, Mt. Moon Dark Room, Rock Tunnel Small Room422Pokédex (422)VenipedeBugPoisonViridian Forest (nest), Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4423Pokédex (423)WhirlipedeBugPoisonSafari Zone A3, A4, Evolve Venipede (Lv22)424Pokédex (424)ScolipedeBugPoisonViridian Forest (nest), Safari Zone A3 (static), Evolve Whirlipede (Lv30)425Pokédex (425)TyruntRockDragonSaffron Restaurant (gift), Rock Smash (fossil)Jaw Fossil, Fossil Maniac 4th Encounter, Rock Smash Fossils Postgame only426Pokédex (426)TyrantrumRockDragonEvolve Tyrunt (Lv39 @ 5am-7pm)427Pokédex (427)SnoruntIceSeafoam Islands (nest), Ice Cavern428Pokédex (428)GlalieIceSeafoam Islands (nest), Ice Cavern, Evolve Snorunt (Lv42)429Pokédex (429)FroslassIceGhostIce Cavern (static), Evolve Snorunt (Dawn Stone)430Pokédex (430)Oricorio
Baile StyleFireFlyingPewter City (quest), Oricorio Clearing (static), Boon Island, National Park431Pokédex (431)Oricorio
Pom-Pom StyleElectricFlyingPewter City (quest), Oricorio Clearing (static), Bond Bridge, National Park432Pokédex (432)Oricorio
Pa'u StylePsychicFlyingPewter City (quest), Oricorio Clearing (static), National Park, Treasure Beach433Pokédex (433)Oricorio
Sensu StyleGhostFlyingPewter City (quest), Oricorio Clearing (static), Chrono Island, National Park434Pokédex (434)TrubbishPoisonTrash Cans (static)435Pokédex (435)GarbodorPoisonEvolve Trubbish (Lv36)436Pokédex (436)CarvanhaWaterDarkBond Bridge, Safari Zone A1, A2, A3, A4, A5437Pokédex (437)SharpedoWaterDarkBrine Road, Evolve Carvanha (Lv30)438Pokédex (438)PhantumpGhostGrassIlex Forest439Pokédex (439)TrevenantGrassGhostEvolve Phantump (Lv40 or Linking Cord)440Pokédex (440)NoibatFlyingDragonRock Tunnel (nest)441Pokédex (441)NoivernFlyingDragonRock Tunnel (nest), Evolve Noibat (Lv48)442Pokédex (442)SwabluNormalFlyingRoute 23 (nest), Mt. Ember, Mt. Moon Summit443Pokédex (443)AltariaDragonFlyingRoute 23 (nest), Evolve Swablu (Lv35)444Pokédex (444)GoomyDragonRoute 15 (nest)445Pokédex (445)SliggooDragonEvolve Goomy (Lv40)446Pokédex (446)GoodraDragonRoute 15 (nest), Evolve Sliggoo (Lv50)447Pokédex (447)RegirockRockSubmerged Temple (legendary)448Pokédex (448)RegiceIceSubmerged Temple (legendary)449Pokédex (449)RegisteelSteelSubmerged Temple (legendary)450Pokédex (450)NecrozmaPsychicMt. Moon (legendary)Lavender Tower Quest, Collect Prisms451Pokédex (451)StuffulNormalFightingSaffron City (static), Boon Island452Pokédex (452)BewearNormalFightingEvolve Stufful (Lv27)453Pokédex (453)DhelmiseGhostGrassOld Shipwreck (static), Brine Road454Pokédex (454)MareaniePoisonWaterBond Bridge (gift), Chrono Island, Submerged Temple455Pokédex (455)ToxapexPoisonWaterChrono Island, Submerged Temple, Evolve Mareanie (Lv38)456Pokédex (456)HawluchaFightingFlyingSaffron City (nest)457Pokédex (457)CacneaGrassSafari Zone A5458Pokédex (458)CacturneGrassDarkSafari Zone A5, Evolve Cacnea (Lv32)459Pokédex (459)SandygastGroundGhostDestroying Sandcastles (static)16.66% encounter chance per sandcastle460Pokédex (460)PalossandGroundGhostEvolve Sandygast (Lv42)461Pokédex (461)AmauraRockIceSaffron Restaurant (gift), Rock Smash (fossil)Sail Fossil, Fossil Maniac 4th Encounter, Rock Smash Fossils Postgame only462Pokédex (462)AurorusRockIceEvolve Amaura (Lv39 @ 8pm-4am)463Pokédex (463)RockruffRockSecret Garden (nest), Johto Daycare (nest)464Pokédex (464)Lycanroc
Midday FormRockEvolve Rockruff (Lv25 @ 5am-7pm)465Pokédex (465)Lycanroc
Midnight FormRockEvolve Rockruff (Lv25 @ 8pm-4am)466Pokédex (466)Meloetta
Aria FormNormalPsychicSaffron Nightclub (legendary)Saffron City Quest, Saturday Night467Pokédex (467)Meloetta
Pirouette FormNormalFightingUse Relic Song either in battle or as a field move (legendary)468Pokédex (468)CresseliaPsychicFullmoon Island (legendary)Lavender Orphanage Quest, Collect Feathers469Pokédex (469)BruxishWaterPsychicBrine Road470Pokédex (470)Necrozma
UltraPsychicDragonUse Photon Geyser holding Necrozium (legendary)* Pokemon learnset is based off of Gen VII.
* Additional Pokémon from generations 3 to 7 do not match their official Pokédex numbers.
* Static, Trade, or Gift Pokemon are in Bold Italics, ones without Bold Italics are wild encounters.
Pokédex (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.