Isle of Wight County Press from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)

'on, llg Lava we bar en en ems Mem Sm. see.11.511 1.aiona Wes mama- Am, .10 MOM and Yol taw Ow ner 00 DMee flea Peg. MaG. Waded rimpaisr Maw Mon. 011 16 6 .6.7 M.

a saw lor rape Gan. me. prank 40. a. PARISH WANT POLICE ww.r nog Oner are Awned lo anmance 11001,..

Gen. Lamal AO 15. 1010ni. SSOnt411.0.9.01•01N01100 I It merely- means they will he anon a a ed a deed nnh Wane PM Ape 151 AND mw. send allelm.

I. the Ham and 11.9 0. ai, we. 041 di. availahk Id deal wah what is Must pay £30 to man he assaulted I Lt.

1 11.1111 FS I I I MI 11. Denmark Road. Cowes tem p.m a kondnumal do. refit. ohm.

Om two sear, when he appeared lor nienting at the in ktr Baker- Island Aligistrate, Court on and ema-oariculat an as.aull charge (IA. had iskaded guilt, at will he hit an earher Mars. to Ian oscawoning Actual hodds h. roamer Mdided pmdme. week, local schools could come under a nen threat.

Ile bellemel ma ihr now to 1.1, approachim the tuo NA cr. well the fact I hat the, With 0 and Icsvi tIpediss through had Mr Ms reamed he an la- gal teachers- fliC not gain parcntal and Ow NAS711W-1 hese each were al. oininhuling factors hacked a work to role pan Id To deomon. which then MhA6- in each high whool, ity's -realistic attitude tr. Secretary Kenneth Baker should he won as a measure of deem, lc md ammoment and prole.monal.

Sid -ckanman. taurant in Cross Street ism of people who became pledged oinumed pport Although the move gained teacher. to help children he -strong suppoo at tht tuo added annual conlcrerk. 0 not I. known if local will duration would noi be sohed the dmk-hatchme tn.

re wng to negotiate utth teachers Mr Add. man noes. 8151551. ealkd by education officals and of the two un- Air sadmin. Pte.

er for the Ida nd branch or thc SIT. warned that tho would lead to not enough snolong that a key factor in the 1- otdma. deeinon was 10,11 authority 'fl" commotonem ho imhstannal Inend wen nerr the ammalians Th week the 5(1 confer- of resources to hack up when there ence voted against withdranal of ex (j was an imakm ill which CIA cover for absent oilleagas aller A LTHO (III 1 he Island will escape teachers' strike action as pupils start a neu term next as to achieve 110fled why Mr. Raker. who pretended to he concerned ah- Radice.

Labour's education If the, do II will mean a 'Mal education" had made nu work long, than the 'l wi out 1.00"6 prolnem from which the Island Edinathm Act more than MO, When a Pre, coolswa. onI authority the All trip, and Tor. -W hale taken ton I. extra hdd a working agreement woth teacher. and pronded an addi- Shortly an.

rward, sit N.J. the local III 50n1C to tional (11111.0011 I ten vo.oldstoch barged 0 land schools that we do find day eq uient Mr Porter. Island nego. pm and harked hum ahsece es known on advano, 00 Hat, secretan tor the UNT. added that the authonts Thas well and our were one of the few nation.

work to have a 00 1 01 attempt to Stroke action on I ho Island ten fund GCSE arrangements which Men 11J alter a of were .1 Ginernment wthdants hetween Mori but which Whitehall telt hopekissh under-funded FORTHCOMING EVENTS c4. 4.1r, Metes CI. MA arelc Name. Wee. Imets min MM.

Bn rat N. e. at Man A. L.

.4 Coll. .0.13.1. -LW. on extreme financial difficulty' Me. antar Comm Pad Boot 3.1111.0= MY.

MY Clard area v1 Velor. nnety.Aar Ie. L. L. L.

III.Taless... atlantic Mason. 1entnor. was Thr Poen Moe TM seriously damaged on a firc time. ly.

which. 0 was thought. might projects. or; TOTLAND hash Camel bane 1 ds. ity is to their individual he ecifte Is pre their awl Ian MR M.

Comaieloi, eo mom ese widest into 151. heats Tot- going on in the other beats tri.h met mil IR TM vIlleges bee lame. land. Freshwater Bay and Fresh. mon- quickly." he sad The council have already writ.

water -Ii needs to he remembered ten to hush the IW pelt head. But of the heats hay, that dune Into heats enjoy 1St kr he Wanc. in and jne then 0,,,,, heal hesus, am 0wc.1 tumther of incidents per nure heAdquancr, in Winches- rs.r., j. officer in the Mahe. tlampshire Ion the, no o.

had officers working The paresh COUrIC11 to the Cm. Pr. NM that while changes in policing (25 Inwards the Tolland Weandm, did not mean a redueliort in the SHIFT Old Tymem concert al the be die pia 4.9 a VIAL Midi numher of thuds served the A system operated Memorial liall. Freshwater. on Mal he p.m.

et LID. there would he per whereby two offwers work the May. Di aid of the Tennyson ad Re Tdea Ss- sonal attention whole area for the holler part of Ambulance lit felt that instead of officers the day The local army cadets all he with indoodual hens there The area is still coveted 24 brightening up the parish all. woukr now be single e.t.d.!. boon a day hy a pawl our horn the council voted to be' litres with repotranwlity for the whole Newport and there 0 no differ.

of teak oil to repaint their public ence in the arnount of poking scat, and benche. Alm old people would CO there at all Mn Fennell. the cadet's nom Moe Aurr.e Dna Gan 5. DM longer have the opportunity to -Although these three offknrs rgeant manor. slid they would TM and go along to the heal house it are responsible for each other's he doing 1111.90 an a oluntary is.

they were afraid of truhle areas. their pninary resporisihil. has, Mr 1. Don told the meeting from then own home, Mr Pratt was fiercely critical I at about21l peopk of remarks made hy Mr. Giles had been 11.0 at the time

on the All manifesto dealing with whool, Mr Radice 0.11 quoted ao repair the damage whk-11 has also "Thi, 1 6he Nandi ts the had added conI rolled for any length of time. yean. and the Liberal record in the ISO is 1,1 any oandard, abysmal even. than Wine 01 the worm Dry Ni Stephen Ross MP called Mr Rathoes ounments. absurd and pr pea.

adding "I will gel In touch vnth htm personally and invite him in come down here and how and on themarnland and w. 1h 7 .:1 1 1 k1snisw. he ha, newr Men near the Admits stealing at supermarket A woman who SOCICII, including admitted shoplifting uas given conJ itional discharge for one and Shorwell and Freshwater. year hy Island Magistrates Matron Annette West. of So- IW Carnation and Sweet lent Gardens Pea Seemly and a lodge for the haaa 1100 padded gut.

at a previous IW Horhodtural Societe hearing. In Waling Ihred ORS of cat fond. one tin of corned heek al Brighstone Parish Church on a ton of ha mburge rs and hall of Monday. onion wool he worth OIL belonging to David'. Su.

pennarket Ltd. on March 3 case wa adjourned In social and mcdocal tenons. She was ordered to pay com. Mr A 1. Oak defending, prove their environment OF sad les chent was known to the merely la.

the time to find ow RSPCA as a lady whn provided 111010 a11091 it are the aims of lender loving carc for dogs Environment Week which suns rescued in the Vico Wight isle Sad not he easy fot her and she was a person who Mai. nattoowide event for the last Ventnor blaze An unocespied 3011 hy ION ongk-stores budding al Trans. have been caused by children setting ruhtuslrahlate Two fire tenders dealt with the modern and lour crewmen used hrealhong gear to enter the .11 150 0., 10110 from the Hope me huoldong and tackle the flames with Nan CAR CRASHES INTO A RYDE RESTAURANT may face new threat ASTERS' turday night diner. Ryde Indian had their meal, interrupted when a nammal example with other car smashed through the Me le. rtaloing that it taurant plate gla, front win.

while and --blind sup- rk It customer, with glass aMad cained 62.0M1 damage Arylice spokssman said the cat. driven try Mrs Doreen Fo. New local secretary of the NUT. pawl port. had suery ecl to avoid another car 11 he crashed into the win d.

of the Tat Mahal Res- No-one uas injured the aeculent Police arc trying to trace the Minister, mho worn cletennmed river of the wcond ear. a red ens to 0or- education m1oon. who failed to stop Mr Mtah owner of the Many could not finish their meals due to the broken glans. It .41 talse week to son of lAr ann. 1901 Rehm meant a fall in bustness." he WELL-KNOWN GROWER AND SHOW JUDGE Birthday Greeting Dad Olen.Koa lst Birthday 18th Birthday PRIOR Cangraiurananern ea se Iron Mum.

Traney.A., RAF Oran nvey mermr eh. Ova ken man oar Pa. all yaw re an al nen co rew tide. save craw arel4194141 TEM 6.10. me 21 N.

LOS ot Iwo iiian 011 NNW Plonli am. 2S um P.Jute.hamaa Spotlight falls on environment Encouraging peoplc to om. 100101TOW The CT, Tr. hale run this Me three years and shay ear they arc supported by six other voluntary organisittons involved in UK A record 1111111 events have Inter clearance to tree planting KIOSK RAIDED fadIll ,1, 4110 pliINCI a A.24 Iona. Beach kook.

over- night on Honda. Good luck MEM. (111. AA bee We we Lots a Eapgamot MPRIMI014 and Ma A Ponworm M. Mean in mexec.

hi101e Ereabin dew son lea dau p. Mots 0 A Oman a Don Conntue. Forthcoming kW. 0111101111M. ma exam lo mem.

meng at 12 ream Ite efol. ROM Peler mmat maol deir pea. in ane.m. Ern, On A4.25 0. Co.

570 BILILAWL At and Bohnen VA le announce On mie 0 More, mamas, anan-arm eldest son Ar let. ity. on Amy 7 A Joton Mom Da. Liv Marriage Constanal, a an Me 619 Cl As. .7, aann era an 1...1 now AG.

Man eV, St. AM oy non. No. 1.1.1 A. TRILL RAO.

Apse en Co. A las, 11... and Ammo mam OM. omen anit. 101M Marr.

J.Plsel com mert oME VOIMIWIDA MMa ffm Boar rawer OM Wm. Ondodm, nOrtnetr. aN 0 122 Pl. Mei Von Ream ol Wee Ger. row All ALMAMML On Id, mem Nor 1967, MM.o.

A9 amt Dan emmuslOs 14.0. WOLLACOTT. On P. Ye days Came. IL MP Spam Pend Comm Own of Coosa le 01.

Men depoier da NE Selinen.o1Ry66. 14.111011T- On elf 1M ammo and Gan romortnes da mom. 10 A. Lae W. 4.01.01 ma wee a Vinbro, ma de Ma.

of Rego mi. me a On .11..7. laO res.01..7151.10.1110 et Ats D. Mee 51 Ce. Nowpos Cir on M011e.

M. yOund. bed Me anaMnor Nr. ard Ws. 0 3 GerannOon.A.11.11.

SAMMY CANME. On Me 10 el TAMA Clim. Manes Can In kO edl iOO W. Rams at Cas SONO MAY. On Ave a N.

end Ms you. nno A. ay em. n. Pearl Wedding ou 00W a i aW 21A meA Cen Nan Ms love town Woo TOM Sheny toe Golden Wedding co me N.

mead 6.4. OM. Cameeme nOlf "my and OM. MM. 22.2.4 as Mad co Gam 6101 24 Lew norn Me.

Err Edson. Ore. Wayne Kay DMA nod 24 19. sued m.o.a dee by Mame M.P. 912211011..

0.0. 0 mon ma ey roar dew sone es. Dna anlents a Noon. oar maileact, 61. 26 1966 1 0411n0.11019111 611 26.

1.4 Tou Man pima Se I. Sonce amIt Id.a orb mogromo ter anxith 10.1.1Nn mem. eeo wAMOSIMM. Me 66 'RD Ter AAM 01111.3 .024. taengernoms As moo.

Apeo 74 9 Sven and ROM roe lay root .1 9.6. in mew a mal mod am amde19- mmarar em ram. ems ea. dm sod sem Ma al me Geed Faby eine ofen he damete. mutat im anain.

rem ert 4 89.1100 SOT e. a br a A a an meatier eelde re mom Ow .1741. 14 M. Tr lo i we one. nm nio Ne on.G wm erra rer Md.

LairI. memo. mares! Mum ono 19. Redden S. neer 04, and M.

TWYMANS Funeral Directors TeFnas hown. Reorad 53 752 169 DAY OR NIGHT TOMLINSONS The Nand Roasts INTERFLORA Skral Tom. We, glaIrNand nomad 11 TOWN LAME (NEWPORT) 616 522026 2.91MON SMUT (RYDE) IW 64826 DOWNER WHITE Funeral Directors 43 SANDOWN ROAD LAKE Sanoownle 402073 24 roLD HAMILTON MARSHALL Funeral Directors 25 NOLYROOD STREET NEWPORT Tel 522772 (24 hours) PRIVATE REST ROOMS DAY OA NIGHT SERVICE P. W. ATTRILL STONE MASON Local craftsman in new MEMORIALS Stone, Marble and Granite Additional inscriptions and cleaning Natural stone Fireplaces and Features lasIgard Now Read NakNo.

Tel. 111112217 THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PRESS FRIDAY, APRIL 24. 1987 Land slippage leaves homes vulnerable at cliff top A FTER further slippage near Totland's Turf contr. Nall. the parish council could conic up with although the road was IX metre, utoch included undergrowth and mai for a drainage scheme aimed at halting further from the diff edge and "not problem.

l7unage scheme was Ming end ot the uti Walk Minight sought In the own council pan of the .141.11 the Feat of tme Miaow of the close of MI Road lawnt did, down on Cliff Road to the dippage The pan.h cuncil. who bit a permanent lease of the furl Pooh hcald that it Walk. agreed that they uould la.ourahle 10 'abald hu a who. Some rendent. of (1111 Road erly.

111. Po, .4.0 in a have put the Nat. In the slip pages on a combination of pn. hs, us. 01,1 to 51,01 1 II including a broken meh for ago pipe.

a leaking waver man land and drainage 0.10 of them Sal out slesthic itcstucro .9,1.00. ma. 01 easeda .66.6.6 1011107. communions Ban sir Dewas 15.0091. in 41 Senna.

Med. Anna .1.109. Des re A Me" are MALEY 111.1.1, Ron kw, a aM Good afrk nerr hue, John Goonneas wenn God bless On Ar. 16. 51.ey Le.

aged MM. Artem 0.7...1). rMS yo. ma Good. tor yea Wan A ma Me 0.0 landed Roger NuDieV 01.11.I.

to a 210 Macy. A. 26 Mod Aa malw. modere. a.

nmenns Ime. Awn Mase. nownomes Al MM. G. smeermoMIlamen.

mgeda blesa mem mose. W. 0 am rye bm J. and 0.1044.1.• Mel and Am WEN dreaseIdtee AnOlt Papennlear AROMA On Am1101.111R■04 75 ye. ol 72 Area GM OA 116.

TAYLOR. arpr 2.16...o. Vareur. Am. wpm Cola.

Ana Alee. 0019. Fear. Was Ace. Mar.

0 mom es rom Svaetr.tran. SWIM. 17.Ednerary 067 Cambeelje M. EASI coma bey ar ro Ise S. and 14.4 ea mar ea ar imam cminamomm COW Rm.

Of ermae. doe sea Comanierons on me 21A. Lee Mar aged r0 meal m. MAAA Mare Vern Men an Ado. Old 3.0 .61 OA or.

Ind in re end me Chack BeIghrkine NAM 10 .3 tm, are? tt 45 re. CD.6 .40 Mod suddenly .11 6 nviersosta riam Vober. Se came Ana. ded an WM HI 9.9 tine Pm me are es. Rem 1600 San me.

by 1.3. erna- ten MM. Vey suddr, i 4.127. tom, Pe Va. Meavw Man.

Loml ran Ind Goon. la ram me mewed lay ted lose (II 1.9 aiemat. on am MO- d. an 78 v. belo.1 eker son of A M.

6.1. and Oarem. suaddry Pelobre. De. ems el 0202 CArAM (PAW .96 6 Mew IA.

env ronerea on Nam COM. Aral IS se. gemandommemmer moo. Mee 01131.1. On Ave la maw a mom mord.

nem Ares am lemen Fun. SS Pele Seeme. '50 day began Aso me mu rte fain, only. deVeni 0 ee RAN seed. an .21.

Me mod p.m am. MP me. Md. I. 9.0 at oin.

M. 0 Ms Rom Cams. of and mandme ode. rt. art, mesa tad 1.11.1(12, Alt.

Jana MN. Me SM. Opt at Br Mol d.14. 1 17. Oaborne A.

Mend at ammoOm amend 1m ma. aum MM. Oman only. Lad done. IdCanan mom GOBI.

70.1...11 W. Tend Me. Pe. ealmens Innws MOST. 1,10.

Pas. efeey Ill .11 t6 .11. SeesBalaw Lo. oart rm. end faller OUSTAR.

meamdaramor madam. lor. lona. neer Cm Aney, Mee 0116TAR inon Gme a warm Map e. nub MI.

awn MIGTAA31.0.1n men, A a on Reed arm. Moon man. wet Pa. 11010. My "AM M.

MA C. .9.0 eat .6 .10 Rad. 01.1. A wend. seer ze 00 nc ce may Or Rom at am Meng OUTTRIME01.1.).

In le, mom- el a Mr 0.0 WA coq Car hanana amens en from Vera MKS TM. Jams 1.0. adeen Add Defrly loose at E. A. are RIP MOTS.

Bay Imp dm, loved w40 ay Msryd.ndnalvsam osa may. Apra It 11119111111511... 01 N. nt Pod nee nan ,3 Pme Rom MMUS. As DIM On Am M.

al ma me at Slur. 00.n. bunale neel. a La. N.

Sense 0.21, 220. ere Cternereen MM. (ChM. 0. PI and OM a o.

prellude p0Irr ME- nem. al a a. ere end nano 10.q .110. pm. m.

'Sr on DAM MA Nal RM. lo are, MEW ar densernelo NwdMl Cede Dam. of mon COO.O. A.

14 ea Mole Me Wee mem POMIL KUM IL as Nam am A red 0 by Ca 1 RM I A le a a Maim 0 re tar v. Seoryn rem Mers. tend. Mee. 15 C.n.

al se' aIFM. L. OM Indet ease Gee 01. Doe jean. Ain.

Me, al Beets. Coul. bee. I. emammalpo Norm vemes on P.

10 110 um on 27 ave. Sean. Le. Men ad Win IS ra mere: an my reare MLA wow 1.1 me ere Sr me MIER e. mensse ma en Om Ma ass Roma Al WAR DMA.

01 05 Dower Sarno. and.nagheilattinuro men Mnem E.M. MIN MO Tar' MINE on apt se. bas: Or.11 Lenny Sme. 11112.0 E.

O. MEM Caretnal Ma mar. be MA al 1. Walter, sod 51r 15 ari, and nce th ar rhs II el daan Moth, Ana then heal 0 Is, over them Chikott. who hip emergency cover.

Inn where an to the dame no Mad W.I.. ten santaned a broken deep gash to thuNalco 01 hi, nose and lour 'teeth When intersiewid Ihe said laylead.hulted SIT suntans, an the local educa- Mame he thought Nahen was tion anal. XI, mem le are hem Mn. a IV the elasso aim formula which said ot a.n 0 horderlme ease mth ho ahem natanmode in their Mal he se. Alma 0 Math teachers unoom.

seNdefenee twe enced hv the counts 01111111.31's hutted Mr. Waiters add, Mr Hughes 1.l cheat had hicn le.wilicri negotiating right. as a dam moning 0,1 palmiatt what should no. ham hem STOLEN FR()11 CAR A seek I.Intam,ng ern Mika 01100 next wool holdall bag and a loved lox walk-outs the sum- orals and a although ohc MM. rape rake from sat met term coukl be uninter.

am RoMed. Forn. ruined. although there are no MMna al the Mick had tapes mashed to gain BAN ON COACHES In future ouch drown will numb, of reason, including the not alkowed park on St Helens Gown sabots" of complaints 1,, the Nosh tan the car poi Lin he as a droranna-olf and oollection 1101 de. angcr on loll pupils pool for vosione sp.

team, the county councd nothing had Men done The council had I. he slow ckwing ChB Road after logo hole had suddenly appealed in it during recent Dor. m. swathe, he added. After visiong the Ole Mr.

C. Court. deputy county sue told the County Press that immediately threate ned" a ea wall area could he in the long term DRAINAGE work, would ahoy, prolong tile and were also needed from the residents point of view Before mak, a dee on county council had scaled up the 8, mono. ad eon a whether to contribute 10 a ufinme. however.

the council arouM a leak, sewerage pipe would have to weigh up the total after repair work eon lie added that the area was a he used again after two Ps mixture I w. mit very stahte. and there wa a drainage problem Whik the cliff no protected non included a drainage Slued system on Ihe dill to oabihse the gradient was "very steep" 10701 Me tr. Msa and slippage wouid ix-eur from time to time after a prolonged Com wet pell. Nou the counal were to new drainage pipes down he cliff and were arranging for the removal of the slippage material.

Mame Low. to be termwed from the they were considering making Mims moans to nit ms ma. a osm ribution to the con. which Rim tom nu. end MOP.

fell on therendern of the home Mr Court said the Southern Lod bum Men Mm. Water Authority had made cheek on water marn and the Mole the road large cavity 11. 110 would enahk the road to Wades. dld Clow a ruyaar. Ctildred cloure.

fl had not Men await of any complaints to the oninly tkpoomeni prop. OM. Ail toe bont 920 11. on. mar mew, Ade Birth SYren or sem: MANARD.

Ce Ann 11 io nava IOC CAMO. mwlAa a rwrwelocalaniaaaar Samna. Non ie. annararnor ova. war .1 rIMI and 9 81410w0 CRY.

.1.169 41.5 4 .164 MOIR rt 0.1V. derPad annowew erwal AA. Am. Gen. Nan am IA muor deer MI.and 1.11.0..

GLAOM. MI MIA and t. Ram Is ma. Ways Moed- a sdeda O. I re.

MAW I. Moe A. 1.0010wen le el.1041.10. WM. MR end 1116.

1. Nan GUAM 1.11. MA 6110 TO119.1n tow Ja 060 1610111. 00 eadninui qw ioNnor, MOO, Wand Ow.anDren. NI.

om Mao. 01. on MI 12. M. IN.

0 Yvonne On M. 111 Sferry. mm AIME To Mae, Rand and trub.sen...1115. WW1. Peut and Clam re Gre.114.....

0 a P.M. ad P.m rand. le.6. on Are born ran Oma 18th Birthday CANT luaima you a main op min an No. atm 01 Love IA.

and On yea SAM IMM, "on emmy arm be lon. mar 1.1. A. 26 .0.0 eery MADAM Me A OA lor yam fre. se JOYCE 01.6.

honnonma my Amy 1. All our love.Ted ee.610 AA ma lora 1A. MMILIIIMM Mammas ra Dad ted. Add 21 Wt. Sr 1.

w.Mahlepel wrey MOP. La. and mama turtrimaawom Ian mat ma No you 1.01. al Imo TAYLORKM Mad wares 21staliday INIT aloe. Marc 0.4 29 Med Sc 3.11, loom and rwara.

161.14. M. St 1MA s1.1111 MOUrrer1.1. Comratabona on mar 2., A. 26.

ler, you er. Mmes. AIMM M.N.. Man Ad our Mr .161 Per ler Many 2. Lots of Me Inam Dela.Paui ea.

a. 2. Med, Ipa td to, Sue. VA Jae Jo, Cam mp am woman aaveys, Den, 14. IMMO.

Memadens. Mad em. hypes oneMel. awl 1.60. Lea as di.

le yea ben Aden TAMAR IMlydrl. Cea.Yen on TAYLOR 00 sow Fie Mon. Lea Wrim TAVLOA RYrmYnn mew Mors all Apnl N. Love you errora A.901,160.1...155 G.I.C.4.1.0. aro 0441.0.600.211111...

emorthaahmareanaMaammAnno Poemanwannanmentroelmunion mesb your Dem. bse end Dad 28th Birthiri IMMI Whorl. lamy 2. 0.02.7 Me mans horn AM and. 40th Birthday AA.

(20.1, nom 26 Ineref 11 nannownam.on rwoonalwars. Mena 111.1.1. To en .11127 Lab of, bn Area 5. Amara. Mem 50th Blrliday MORRD Apra 25 Nese A.

day we are down Co. MR ol Da men meas, es 70th Birthday 72nd Birthday beet Anwro nor Soory weveloldan wee. Den den thetren. 0 69 YOU, GoOkin 1NOMIN. tall Mos Odd.

roo AA au bre Tony. nassel by ma To.e. Glee B03115010 On Apra 1 ated 0 3501 Jo. a home IS NMIssessams NAN It and lanns a Maas maA 0 1 ge 1 01ero no aimmmm mnam enc.MrWMrr blere Ms. A E.

al ea mei mo. wa Nam ROMPRID OM AMM woes ma es oma aRroa.m. a Wm dams MP gm 111. pent 01 armIprry and Mutat MI sod ma. ma mamma Mge Am.

osa, am. 19 411 "-N 'y 711 an are nas M. 1 remember. nen oda, ..11 wen Mos for Ma tiara S. or Aso Le Woos 7.

26. 1 9. Yen nusban1200 amded menomeon mem CIMMEAS, is ear. Camam par Meets A. ArAl alicar.

May 100ed Maw mem la oma. ito 100 ma ea kw. on 610 v. ma i et Cm IS gam mar a ms map ranmmI A. Slam Mew MAKES 611.11.

E. ma me Pahl 90. to Lan, and Aftetors Sedness and summl my Ind01. pa. ma MN 0 are lo Dement M.Co.

1956 ant Nemo Janes P. and 1..1 Mae OM Men. 0100.66 Faaaa4 ms Swan nog niwil ar.Y tlay md Mamma ma ermem ailsmakOmmemamm and non- .61 am al en leen sod 100 Tonle le al, we Mae For a tiro rearm om teso. 0.11.6 6114. 66er deem Der 1.1.6 das sa Inente sod oboenderinewt.

Add 23 19 awe ememems 0 Sy. POW MAos onmao Pmw ast pease. Vann ay .00 lee 0. Ile many sa me same am men Ma in dear Dee Ma. MI dem Mims.

PraMAIRAIL A.e. re Om etin Oa OA yea .09 to. Mora bare MAMA rte es ma lama Ms MP 7.0 m. lea we onor ed. soft tidy son Ma.

MM. arm al mamma. ma RUND161.66.0areay. Meserld.Detarry mnama wen om assommor. esemonaDiammlown wAutl.

Da. T. naseed me le. onsh A ra. Ma mom ad as oe IM a.fa tar AM.

a Wm. kr he ter sew tom ant de dew b. 1.s der free sewed mem. da em ale a. mama Kiia not Wen ym mai alend.1.3.m tribia bbasp WAK01.0.04 1.

men. SlAell Or Per Per. San and names Idn tow Aso lo M. Dal amdtmAaaawea AMOR Pen and ter. onn amaNdada all ene mem.

opm. man. NOW. a UNICA ManAs lo Mon Thanks MOM. ration aro one ee lare name.

Way haft Ter Mo Mt al MOW AM Am bunlen of Ilea 011, ft am anim mitt Me ma Mode Sam a adoe And 11.1 ma into KNOW Can as Dare oa. In andm seo Mead Ma seam on Maas was sal ma 11.0.. Spa Mmas memo lad Cara ewer cAnernemeen are d.1.1.01A and MAT teas nom. end Am Hare ands and kande ler dm many ff am1 aelrr dew en madOa menr. yd nween one m.

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no guarantee, Athhalan Lox' although NIA mcmhers on Island high schools had ken called out tip Orike dur, next week they told bask Os arc extremely angry that 'Iman rght. are hong intones, but we do tun want to rb, imminence ol exam and lbe the sou I. the we .11 a riehi 01 nal Mkm had kl kit hom, eircsnood, ry head 120 from the chit ed. withmichlsourrng prop- powhon Finch. the area al 10 Il i had Walk kd South a wine, ono Onn hl ot al1, digging lase Ircinh by the Imam, help toward, bogus -BT ea 1 dm IRllia r.rka dial.

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IT did Wm I OM imam am MM. Mr. 11 gaged MI We raid ba. MenAm ran Med De pasl 1164' TV's rm. Tars LW.

and in me- m. MM. lad ca HOME OPENED AGAIN Schools will escape strike action but the Island could set thing rant tot Mr Baker" undermined an important democratic ponn. Both he and M. McColl.

Sheppard. of tribute to the educatasn author- Mr Pratt and Mr, the teacher. -despite having Secretary of Statc and certain WELL.KNOWN horticultural. Mr Harry Cole. 77.

of Pit Place. has died He showed all over the Island parucularly known for his sweet- Pea, Born al Shanklin Old Village. Mr. Cole 9orl.e.1 in farms and gardens all his life except for wanime wtth the Army He was a long standing mem- her of many Island horticultural Brook, King91011, Mothstone Mr. Cole was a member of the A funeral service will be held ATRIUM.

MM. H. INGRAM AND SONS (Venial.) Ltd 12-20 Albert Street Ventnor FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY -1W 852028 NOW 11V 853220 ProateChane.P, IJ, All fachtms.

Isle of Wight County Press from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)
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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.