grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (2024)

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (1) Recipe: grand marnier soufflé

Several weeks before Neva came home with us, we began getting the whole house in order, reading our puppy and dog training books (different methods than when we trained Kaweah), and trying to get a jump on our workloads. Let me tell you – since she came home: the entire house looks like a giant puppy playpen, we feel as if we’ve forgotten everything we read in the training books, and it seems that we are already falling well behind in work. It’s no doubt that part of the existence of Puppy Vortex is because I’m still sick – with bronchitis and no voice. Clearly, recovery is but a pipe dream on four hours of sleep a night.

Neva was getting plenty of sleep and plenty of playtime. However, Wednesday morning she had an episode of trembling and lethargy that was sudden and extremely uncharacteristic. Even worse? She refused food. My stomach dropped. There was only one time ever that Kaweah refused food, and that was the morning we said good-bye to her. I fought back tears and asked Jeremy to call the vet for an appointment. Neva was running a low fever and our vet prescribed some meds and asked us to call him in the morning for a status report. Almost as quickly as she had gone downhill, she bounced back within hours to her normal puppy self – biting everything in sight, romping around clumsily, and wanting to explore the whole world.

Despite the setback, we’ve been introducing Neva to new things. She loves the vet’s office as well as my neighbor’s daughter. She completely goes bananas for plain yogurt and peanut butter. And she loves snow. Since we still have lots of snow in the high country, we took her for her first introduction this week.

sitting for her treat from jeremy

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (2)

happily munching on said treat

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (3)

fearless bounding across the slushy slopes

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (4)

having a blast digging pits in the snow

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my sweet baby girl

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (6)

Despite feeling truly crappy right now, I don’t want to get into the habit of punting each post by tossing up a bunch of puppy pics and calling it good. You good people deserve a recipe, and this one is awesome. It comes from my friend, John of Food Wishes, and I was inspired to make it after ordering a Grand Marnier soufflé at a French restaurant in Williamsburg, Virginia. I served mine with a Grand Marnier crème anglaise (also from John’s site). I just don’t see how it can get any better! If you decide to serve the soufflés with a side of crème anglaise sauce, you should start the sauce a few hours earlier than the soufflés to give it time to cool.

the crème anglaise: cream, vanilla extract, grand marnier, sugar, salt, eggs (yolks)

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (7)

heat the cream, sugar, and salt

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (8)

whisk some of the hot cream into the egg yolks

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (9)

cook and then strain the custard

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (10)

stir in the grand marnier and vanilla extract

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (11)

You can make the crème anglaise up to 3 days in advance, which takes some of the pressure off of making soufflés. The soufflés must be prepared right before serving because they start falling within moments of removing them from the oven. John used 7-ounce ramekins and I used 8-ounce ramekins. He had leftover batter and I came up short on one of my ramekins. I think the volume of your batter is going to vary greatly with the size of the eggs, how the whites are whipped, and how much the whites deflate when you fold them into the batter. So if you are making this for a specific number of desserts, err on the side of caution and perhaps aim for making more than planned.

milk, eggs, orange, butter, sugar, more sugar, flour, butter, vanilla extract, grand marnier

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (12)

butter the insides of the ramekins

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (13)

coat with sugar and dump out any excess

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (14)

grate the orange zest

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (15)

The whole process of making the soufflés takes no more than 15-20 minutes – not including baking time, assuming you know your way around the kitchen and are relatively organized when it comes to mise en place. It starts with a roux and mixes in milk and flavorings and egg yolks for a thick and creamy base to the batter. I did attempt to make this part of the recipe ahead of time once and didn’t really like the resulting texture of my soufflés, so in the future I’ll just make them right before serving.

mise en place

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (16)

stir the flour into the melted butter

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (17)

slowly adding milk to the flour and butter mixture

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (18)

stir until thick and smooth

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (19)

add the grand marnier, vanilla, and orange zest

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stir in the yolks

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (21)

When the base of the batter is ready, start whipping the egg whites. Take care not to succumb to the temptation of overwhipping the egg whites. The whites should flow from the whisk as you lift it out of the bowl and fall as ribbons that hold their shape for several seconds. It shouldn’t break (overwhipping) or flow like liquid (underwhipping). Next, fold half of the whites into the batter. Because the batter is so thick, if you added all of the whites at once, you’d deflate that hard work you (or your mixer) did to whip them all fluffy and airy. By adding half of the whites to the batter, you lighten up the batter while sacrificing some of the egg white volume. But when you fold in the second half of the whites, they will retain more of their volume so the little air bubbles can do their job and make the soufflés rise.

add half of the sugar to foamy egg whites

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (22)

add the remaining sugar when you reach soft peaks

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (23)

the whites should leave a nice ribbon

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stir half of the whites into the batter

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fold in the remaining half

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Right as you finish folding in the rest of the egg whites, begin filling your ramekins with batter. Some folks say fill them just under (like 1/4-inch) the rims and others say to fill them to the top. I like filling them just to the rim, but at my elevation, some of them disembowel over the sides – not all, but some did. The goal is to allow the soufflés to rise straight up without getting snagged to the ramekin on the edges. The butter and sugar coating on the ramekins help enable that clean rise. The soufflés are done when the tops are browned and the dessert has risen well above the rim of the ramekin without toppling over (even if it topples over, it is delicious).

fill the ramekins

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grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (28)

dust with powdered sugar and serve with crème anglaise

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You must serve these babies immediately out of the oven because for every moment you dawdle, each one loses a little of its glorious height. The soufflés have a nice delicate crust on top and where the sugar lined the ramekins, but the interior is pure pillowy eggy goodness. While delicious on their own, they are something else entirely when you serve them with a chilled crème anglaise. It’s got that hot and cool thing going as well as a nice kick from the Grand Marnier. So if your goal is to impress, this might be your ticket!

awww, i can’t say no to you!

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (30)


grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (31)

Grand Marnier Soufflé with Grand Marnier Crème Anglaise
[print recipe]
from Food Wishes

1 cup Grand Marnier crème anglaise
1 tbsp butter, melted
2-3 tbsps granulated sugar for coating
4 large eggs, separated and room temperature
3 tbsps + 1 tsp melted butter
3 tbsps + 1 tsp all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole milk, cold
2 tsps freshly grated orange zest
2 tbsps Grand Marnier or other orange liqueur
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup granulated sugar
powdered sugar for dusting

grand marnier crème anglaise
1 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup granulated sugar
pinch of salt
2 large egg yolks
1 tbsp Grand Marnier or other orange liqueur
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Make the Grand Marnier crème anglaise: In a small saucepan, stir the heavy cream, sugar, and salt together over medium-high heat to dissolve the sugar. When the cream starts to boil at the edges, remove the pan from the heat. Whisk the egg yolks in a medium bowl and slowly whisk in half of the hot cream mixture. Whisk that cream and egg yolk mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining cream and set the pan over medium-high heat. Stir constantly until the custard thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Remove the custard from the heat and strain it through a fine-mesh sieve. Stir in the Grand Marnier and the vanilla extract. Chill the crème anglaise completely. Makes 1 cup.

Make the soufflés: Butter four 8-ounce or 7-ounce ramekins and coat the insides with 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Shake out any excess sugar. Set the ramekins on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Melt the 3 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon of butter in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir the flour into the melted butter and cook over medium-high heat until the mixture turns golden brown and becomes fragrant. This takes about 2 minutes. Pour a little of the cold milk into the flour mixture and stir until it is completely incorporated. Continue doing this until you have added all of the milk and the mixture is smooth and thick (about 3-4 minutes). Place the doughy mixture in a large mixing bowl and stir in the orange zest and the Grand Marnier until completely combined. Mix in the yolks and the vanilla extract until smooth.

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Beat the egg whites until they are frothy. Slowly add half of the granulated sugar while whipping the egg whites. Pour in the rest of the granulated sugar and whip the whites until they are thick, but not stiff. It should leave a ribbon on itself that holds for ten seconds or longer. Mix half of the whipped egg whites into the egg yolk mixture until evenly combined. Gently fold the remaining half of the egg whites in, taking care not to deflate the batter by overmixing. Pour the batter into the ramekins until they are level with the rims. Wipe the inside edges of the rims with your finger (no more than 1/4-inch down) – this is supposed to help the soufflés rise straight up. Bake for 16 minutes until risen and browned on top. These should be served immediately with a dusting of powdered sugar and a side of Grand Marnier crème anglaise. Serves 4.

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (32)

more goodness from the use real butter archives

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grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (37)

May 28th, 2015: 11:13 pm
filed under baking, booze, dairy, dessert, eggs, entertaining, fruit, recipes, sweet

grand marnier souffle recipe – use real butter (2024)


What is Grand Marnier soufflé made of? ›

Stir together crème pâtissière, Grand Marnier, and orange zest in a large bowl. Beat egg whites in bowl of a heavy-duty stand mixer on medium speed until glossy and stiff peaks form, about 4 minutes. Whisk about one-third of egg whites into crème pâtissière mixture until well incorporated.

Can you leave soufflé batter overnight? ›

Souffle may be made up ahead and refrigerated as long as 24 hours. Put souffle in cold oven and bake 50 minutes at 325 degrees.

Should soufflé be baked in a water bath? ›

Place the filled ramekins or soufflé dish in a bain-marie to bake for 25 to 30 minutes until golden and puffy. What is a bain-marie, you might ask? This hi-tech-sounding name simply describes a water bath that creates a gentle, uniform heat around your food while it cooks.

What is the recipe ingredient that causes a soufflé to rise when it is baked in a hot oven? ›

When the egg mixture is baked in a 350-degree oven, those air bubbles trapped in the egg whites expand, making the souffle rise. The heat also causes the protein to stiffen a bit, and along with the fat from the yolk, it forms a kind of scaffold that keeps the souffle from collapsing.

What is the secret to a good soufflé? ›

8 Tips for Cooking the Perfect Soufflé
  • Get some air. ...
  • Metal bowls are best. ...
  • Use the right soufflé dish. ...
  • Room temperature eggs will get the best results. ...
  • Use cream of tartar. ...
  • Use parmesan and breadcrumbs. ...
  • Cook the soufflé on a baking sheet at the bottom of the oven. ...
  • As tempting as it might be, avoid opening the oven door.
Aug 13, 2021

What are the main ingredients in Grand Marnier? ›

Grand Marnier's unique flavour comes from cognac and Citrus Bigaradia orange peels - there are no herbs or spices added. Indeed, the only additional ingredients are sugar, water and neutral spirit. Grand Marnier Cuvées don't even contain neutral spirit, they are made with just cognac, orange peel, sugar and water.

Why is soufflé so hard to make? ›

If the egg whites are not mixed enough, they will be too heavy to rise, but if they are over-whipped they will collapse in the oven. Finally, and most problematically, any cross-contamination between yolks and whites will cause the whole concoction to collapse, which is the bane of many dessert chefs' days.

Should eggs be cold for soufflé? ›

The eggs should be room temperature, which will help them separate more easily and will help the whites easily beat up into peaks. Make very sure the yolk stays intact. Cracking them over a cup one at a time is a good idea: If one yolk breaks, you don't ruin the whole bowl of whites.

How long can a soufflé sit before baking? ›

A souffle must be served the minute it comes out of the oven. That isn't impossible, but it does require some advanced planning. The sauce, called the "base," can be made ahead of time. Most souffles can be assembled and set aside for up to 30 minutes before baking.

Do you need cream of tartar for souffle? ›

You technically could — egg whites will still whip to stiff peaks without cream of tartar — but we highly recommend including it whenever it's called for in a recipe. While developing those lofty Japanese Soufflé Pancakes, Molly quickly realized how integral a stabilizer was to create the perfect pancake texture.

Can you use cream of tartar in souffle? ›

Beat egg whites and cream of tartar in large bowl, until stiff but not dry. Fold some of the egg whites into sauce to make it lighter, then gently but thoroughly fold the sauce into the remaining egg whites. Carefully pour into 4-cup (1 L) soufflé or casserole dish.

Should souffle be runny in the middle? ›

Soufflés are best when they're still slightly runny in the centre. To check if a soufflé is set, gently tap the dish – it should wobble just a little bit. If the centre seems too fluid, cook for a few more minutes.

Why does my soufflé taste eggy? ›

If your Soufflé Cake tastes eggy, it's either undercooked or overcooked. Make sure that you don't increase the temperature, this will also make the eggs rubbery and taste eggy. Stick to a low temperature.

What is the best oven setting for soufflé? ›

Remove the top oven rack; preheat to 375 degrees (no convection). Use some butter to generously grease the bottom and sides of your 8-cup souffle dish or other tall-sided baking dish.

Why did my soufflé fall apart? ›

Pancake soufflés can fall for several reasons, including over-mixing the batter, opening the oven door too often, or cooking the soufflé at too high of a temperature.

Do Grand Marnier truffles have alcohol? ›

Rich and Creamy Grand Marnier Truffles are made with just 8 simple ingredients. Spiked with orange-flavored liqueur, they make a delicious gift to give during the holiday season! A must try for anyone who loves the combination of orange and chocolate.

What is Grand Marnier used for in baking? ›

Grand Marnier is a delicious orange flavored liqueur made from three different kinds of cognac. Like the liqueur, our Grand Marnier Type, Natural Flavor Blend can be used in French pastries, cakes, cookies and other desserts. It makes a great flavor for cream fillings and ice cream.

What are the components of soufflé? ›

A souffle has two main components, a flavorful base and glossy beaten egg whites, and they are gently folded together just before baking. The word itself comes from “souffler,” meaning “to breathe” or “to puff,” which is what the whites do to the base once they hit the oven's heat.

What is Japanese soufflé made of? ›

Japanese soufflé pancakes start with the same ingredients as American varieties — namely, eggs, flour and milk — but they tower above traditional diner versions thanks to the addition of extra egg whites.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.