Cerro Gordo County Arrest, Court, and Public Records | StateRecords.org (2024)

What Are Cerro Gordo County Arrest Records?

Arrest records in Cerro Gordo county are the records of the arrests reported by the county law enforcement agencies. These records contain details of the arrested party and the crimes that led to the arrests. The Sheriff’s Office generates these records for the county, while the Division of Criminal Investigation generates arrest records for the state.

What Are Cerro Gordo County Criminal Records?

Cerro Gordo county criminal records are the records of criminal activity within the jurisdiction of the county. These records include the criminals’ names, physical descriptions, details of the crimes they committed, and any punishment served as a result of the crimes. The Sheriff’s Office of Cerro Gordo is in charge of gathering and maintaining these records. For the state of Iowa, these records are maintained by the Division of Criminal Investigation of the Iowa Department of Public Safety.

How Do I Get Criminal Records in Cerro Gordo County?

Interested persons may perform criminal history checks at the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) of the Iowa department of public safety. Criminal records can be obtained online, by mail or by fax. The online requests via the DCI website do not require the record’s subject to sign a waiver but will give records only 18 months old and less.

The requests by mail or fax require a waiver and will give a full criminal record. These requests must come with a request form and a billing form, which can be obtained from the DCI website. Each separate request needs a request form, but multiple applications can be on a single billing form. The fee for criminal records is $15 for each last name-checked. The fee is payable by cash, cheque, money order, or credit/debit card. All requests and correspondence should be forwarded to:

Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation
Support Operations Bureau 1st Floor
215 E 7th St
Des Moines IA 50319
Phone: (515) 725-6066
Fax: (515) 725-6080

How Do I Find Cerro Gordo County Sex Offender Information?

The Cerro Gordo Sheriff Office’s website has a link to the Iowa state sex offender registry. The Sex offender registry contains general information about the registry and a search tool. The search tool is useful for searching for sex offenders in the county. There is a simple search or an advanced search that allows searches to be made using different criteria. Examples of search criteria include name, address, city, county, gender, race, etc.

How Do I Visit an Inmate in Cerro Gordo County Jail?

Inmates of the county jail have a visitation list in which they can add four names. These are the only visitors that will be allowed, and the list can be changed every thirty days. Each visit is 15 minutes long, and inmates are permitted two visits per visiting day. Visitation is arranged according to housing units, so inmates in each group will have a different time and day for visits. Full details of the visit schedule and the rules and regulations of visitation can be found in the jail section of the Sheriff’s Office website.

Off-site video visitation is also possible at the jail via the prodigy vision video visitation system. Visitors will be required to create an account on the prodigy sales website. Details on the system can the found on the video visitation instructions page of the County Sheriff website or the prodigy sales website.

The Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Office operates the county jail located at:

17262 Lark Avenue,
Mason City,
IA 50401.
phone : (641) 421-3004 (24hr)

Where and How to Find Cerro Gordo County Inmate Information

The Cerro Gordo Sherriff’s office has a regularly updated inmate population report that provides general information on all inmates in custody. This report includes names, photographs, age, gender, booking date, charges, etc. The jail also has a 24-hour phone line for inmate inquiries at (641) 421-3004.

What Are Cerro Gordo County Court Records?

Court records for Cerro Gordo county are the documents recording the court proceedings within the county. These records include testimonies, depositions, evidence, judgments, and rulings during court cases. For Cerro Gordo county, court records can be obtained by contacting the Clerk of Courts for the District Court of Cerro Gordo in Mason city. Inquirers should direct inquiries and correspondence to:

Mason City Clerk of Court
Second Floor
220 N. Washington Ave
Mason City, IA 50401
(641) 424-6431

Locations of All the Courts in Cerro Gordo County

Cerro Gordo County District Court
220 North Washington Avenue,
Mason City,
IA 50401
Phone: (641) 424-6431

What Are Cerro Gordo County Vital Records?

Vital records for Cerro Gordo county are the documents recording the vital life events such as births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. The records can be obtained in Cerro Gordo by contacting the office of the County Recorder. Vital Records for the county are only available to family, related by blood and marriage, and legal representatives or guardians. Legal representatives and guardians may be required to provide further proof they are entitled to obtain these records.

At the state level, these records can be obtained from the Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Health Statistics. Requests for these records can be made in person or by mail. The Iowa Department of Public Health also allows applications to be made by phone.

Where and How to Get Cerro Gordo County Divorce records

Divorce records for the county can be obtained by contacting the Clerk of Court for the District Court where the divorce was heard. All inquires and correspondence should be forwarded to:

Clerk of Court
Cerro Gordo county district court
Second Floor
220 N. Washington Ave
Mason City,
IA 50401
Phone: (641) 424-6431

Where and How to Get Cerro Gordo County Marriage records

Marriage records for Cerro Gordo county can be obtained from the office of the County Recorder in person or by mail. Requestors should submit a filled out application form, a driver’s license, or passport for identification. The fee for this record is $15 payable in cash, cheque, or credit card made payable to the Cerro Gordo County Recorder. Credit card payments attract an additional fee.

Requests through the mail involve mailing the completed and notarized (by a notary public) application form, a copy of the ID, and the fee to the County Recorder’s office. The requester is also required to mail a stamped self-addressed envelope with the package to facilitate the record’s delivery. All correspondence and inquires can be forwarded by mail to:

Cerro Gordo County Recorder
220 N. Washington Ave.
Mason City,
IA 50401.
Phone: (641) 421-3056
Fax: (641) 421-3154

Where and How to Get Cerro Gordo County Birth records

The Birth records request is similar to the marriage record request. Applications for these records will only be accepted from the record’s owner if over 18 years, family, legal representatives, and guardians. Requesters should fill the appropriate section of the application form and return it with copies of their driver’s license or passport as ID and the applicable fee either by mail or in person.

The fee for birth records is $15 for each certified copy of the record, payable in cash, or a cheque made out to the Cerro Gordo County Recorder. Credit card payments are allowed but will attract an extra charge. A notary public must notarize application forms returned by mail.

Where and How to Get Cerro Gordo County Death records

Death records for Cerro Gordo county can be obtained by contacting the County Recorder’s office. These requests can be made in person or by mail. To request in person, the requester is required to fill the death record section of the application form available on the county’s website. This form should be submitted to the office with a driver’s license or passport as ID and the appropriate fee for as many copies as required.

Mail-in requests require the signed application form to be notarized by a notary public. The fee for the request is $15 per certified copy payable by cash, credit card and cheque to the Cerro Gordo County Recorder. Credit card payments will incur an additional fee. Mail-in requests should include the filled-out and notarized application form, a valid photo ID, and the appropriate fee. A stamped, self-addressed envelope should be included for the copy’s return.

In addition to government agencies, county public records may also be obtained from third-party websites. These non-government platforms come with intuitive tools that allow for expansive searches. Record seekers may either opt to use these tools to search for a specific record or multiple records. Users are able to search third-party websites remotely for multiple records at a time with just the name of the record subject and their last known location, including the city, county, or state. Third-party sites are not sponsored by government agencies. Because of this, record availability and results may vary.

Cerro Gordo County Arrest, Court, and Public Records | StateRecords.org (2024)
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