7 healthy habits to adopt in your 20s (2024)

by Samuel A. DeLiberato, DO


7 healthy habits to adopt in your 20s (1)

In your 20s, it’s easy to feel invincible — you’re young, you’re healthy and there’s so much life ahead of you. Why worry about your health now, when you’re in your prime?

But neglecting to take care of yourself during your 20s can negatively impact your health later on in life. By starting these habits now, you can put yourself in a good place to stay healthy for a long time.

1. Establish healthy sleep habits.

Healthy sleep is important for both physical and mental health. By getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, you can optimize your health, improve your immune system and sharpen your cognition.

Appropriate sleep hygiene is key to a good night’s rest. This includes avoiding stimulants like caffeine near bedtime, exercising regularly, not eating after dinner time, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and keeping your bedroom dark and quiet.

By establishing these sleep habits early in life, it’ll be easier for you to stick to a healthy sleep routine later in life, when work, family and other needs tend to make our lives busier.

2. Exercise regularly.

Create a realistic goal for yourself to stay active. Join a local group where you can exercise with others who share your goals, join a gym and start a workout routine, or simply take a walk down the street. Increasing your physical activity has been proven to sharpen your mind as you age. Mix in both anaerobic activities such as weight lifting with aerobic activity such as jogging or biking for optimal results.

If you start making regular exercise a habit in your 20s, it’ll help you stay healthy, both physically and mentally, as you age.

3. Start cooking at home.

Start planning your meals weekly. This will give you an overall picture of what you eat each day and help you plan ahead to make healthier (and often more cost efficient) choices. Healthier eating leads to an overall healthier lifestyle and decreases your chances of developing obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure later in life. Your waistline — and your bank account — will thank you.

4. Make your health a priority.

A yearly physical is recommended for all ages, regardless of your medical history. Know your personal and family health history, as this can impact how often you should undergo preventative testing. Many 20-year-olds are healthy but it is still recommended to establish care with a family physician, as prevention is the key to staying healthy. It is also recommended to see a dentist every six months to maintain oral health.

5. Find a hobby.

Find a hobby in your life that brings you joy. You may not know that having a hobby can actually help lower your stress level, and reducing stress can help you remain healthy, both physically and emotionally.

So, try that yoga class that always interested you, take a cooking class, paint the masterpiece you always imagined. Regardless of what you choose, do something that makes you happy. You’d be surprised how much it can impact your long-term health.

6. Quit smoking and limit drinking.

In your early 20s, your risk of accidental injury increases due to the amount of smoking and alcohol often consumed by this age group. But not only do these both have an effect on your life now, they play serious roles in contributing to future diseases and health issues later in life.

Limit your alcohol intake and if you are in the habit of smoking, begin considering options to quit. Alcohol consumption should be limited to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men.

7. Get tested regularly for STIs.

Protect yourself and your partners from sexually transmitted infections (STI), which can be passed from one person to another during oral, anal or vagin*l intercourse. Condom use is always advised, 100 percent of the time.

Getting tested for STIs regularly is also recommended. Most people with STIs don’t have symptoms or even know they are infected, and they can easily pass the infection to their partners. Many STIs can be cured with medication, so it is important to discuss concerns regarding your sexual health with your healthcare provider.

There you have it — the seven habits you should start now to help you stay healthy throughout life. Your future self will thank you.

Don’t have a primary care physician? Find one near you.

7 healthy habits to adopt in your 20s (2024)


7 healthy habits to adopt in your 20s? ›

In Your 20s: 30 minutes of weight training followed by 30 minutes of cardio 3x a week, plus 45 to 60 minutes of straight cardio 3x a week. One day of rest. The great thing about being in your 20s is that your body is so strong, you can get away with abusing it.

How can I keep my brain healthy in my 20s? ›

Staying Healthy in Your 20s: The Best Way to Protect Your Brain...
  1. Manage your blood pressure. ...
  2. Control your cholesterol levels. ...
  3. Reduce blood sugar. ...
  4. Be active. ...
  5. Eat healthy foods. ...
  6. Lose some weight. ...
  7. Quit (or don't even start) smoking.
Dec 11, 2017

How can I improve my life in my 20s? ›

Find out what you should start (and stop) doing in your 20s to lay the foundation for lifelong success.
  1. Start writing down your goals. ...
  2. Start letting go of your ego. ...
  3. Start reading a lot. ...
  4. Stop trying to live someone else's life. ...
  5. Stop feeling bad about the past. ...
  6. Start showing loved ones you care. ...
  7. Start taking care of your health.
May 8, 2019

What are the fitness goals for your 20s? ›

In Your 20s: 30 minutes of weight training followed by 30 minutes of cardio 3x a week, plus 45 to 60 minutes of straight cardio 3x a week. One day of rest. The great thing about being in your 20s is that your body is so strong, you can get away with abusing it.

How do you spend your 20s wisely? ›

20 Things to Do in Your 20s
  1. Make a plan—but be willing to change. Setting goals is great. ...
  2. Make a budget and stick to it. ...
  3. Learn how to set boundaries. ...
  4. Take care of your mental health. ...
  5. Save up an emergency fund. ...
  6. Embrace the season you're in. ...
  7. Pay off all debt (especially student loans). ...
  8. Get out of your parents' house.
Mar 8, 2023

What is the best age in your 20s? ›

Whew — 28 is the best year of your twenties. Not because of the spectacular partying (see: 22) or because you'll magically have everything figured out (see: never), but because 28 is the year when you're finally able to accept that no one actually "feels" like a grown-up and it's OK that you don't either.

What happens at 25 with your brain? ›

Significant changes in the limbic system affects self-control, decision-making, emotions, and risk-taking behaviours. The prefrontal cortex is used to exercise good judgment in difficult life situations and is the last part of brain to mature by 25 years.

How do I find my purpose in my 20s? ›

So, let's get started, and take this first step:
  1. Read: ...
  2. Sit down, breathe & envision what your perfect life is like: ...
  3. Cultivate gratitude: ...
  4. Define your principles – what's really important? ...
  5. Create goals: ...
  6. Get out there & do it: ...
  7. Embrace your failures and learn from mistakes: ...
  8. Accept change as a good thing:
Jun 30, 2020

Why are your 20s so important? ›

Facts and figures aside, your 20s are the time in your life when you learn how to be an adult. You'll get a job, make friends, pay bills, take care of yourself, have relationships, and generally gain an understanding of what those previous two decades were trying to teach you about life.

How can I build my wealth in my 20s? ›

How to Grow Wealth as a Young Adult
  1. Start a Budget. Starting a budget is the foundation for creating wealth. ...
  2. Eliminate Debt. Many young adults carry debt with them, usually originating from school loans, car loans, or credit card purchases. ...
  3. Create a Plan. ...
  4. Start Investing Early. ...
  5. Consult a Financial Advisor. ...
  6. Closing.
Dec 22, 2022

Do you get stronger in your 20s? ›

In your 20s, hormones like oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, human growth hormone and the thyroid hormones are working together to keep you in great reproductive shape. The side benefit of this is that it amps up your muscle-building power, making every workout you do more effective.

What should you have in your 20s? ›

What's New at AmeriChoice?
  • 15 Items Every Adult Should Purchase in Their 20s. ...
  • Quality cooking tools & appliances. ...
  • A reliable form of transportation. ...
  • Contributions to a retirement fund. ...
  • An impressive interview outfit. ...
  • A professional work bag and/or luggage. ...
  • Long-lasting home appliances. ...
  • A quality mattress.

What are the rules of 20s? ›

I try to run my life by the “Rule of 20s.” I have found that if I take an extra 20 seconds, I may save myself 20 important minutes. Further, if I reflect on a business issue with my team for 20 minutes, we can often save ourselves 20 hours by starting off in the right direction.

How do I not waste my 20s? ›

Here are the best tips on how to spend your 20s so you don't live in regret later.
  1. Learn to accept and love yourself first. ...
  2. Learn to say no with confidence. ...
  3. Take more risks. ...
  4. Conquer your fears. ...
  5. Turn your weaknesses into strengths. ...
  6. Learn to negotiate with politeness. ...
  7. Forgive yourself. ...
  8. Don't compare yourself to others.
Jan 10, 2023

Why are my 20s so hard? ›

The 20s are a time of exploration and self-discovery, and it can be hard for young adults to know what they stand for and what they want in life. Furthermore, many young adults are dealing with the expectations of their parents or other family members, which can be a source of stress and conflict.

What happens to your brain in your 20s? ›

The brain finishes developing and maturing in the mid-to-late 20s. The part of the brain behind the forehead, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last parts to mature. This area is responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing, and making good decisions.

Can I still develop my brain after 25? ›

More than a century since James's influential text, we know that, unfortunately, our brains start to solidify by the age of 25, but that, fortunately, change is still possible after.

How can I make my brain healthy again? ›

10 Ways to Improve Brain Health
  1. Try a new activity. ...
  2. Feed your brain with healthy nutritious food that stimulates brain function. ...
  3. Keep moving. ...
  4. Sleep well. ...
  5. Get social. ...
  6. Manage your blood pressure. ...
  7. Manage your blood sugar. ...
  8. Limit alcohol.

Can you improve your brain after 25? ›

Once we reach adulthood at around 25 our brain stops naturally forming new neural pathways and our habits, biases and attitudes become more set in stone and much harder to change. Nevertheless, it isn't impossible to train our brains to changing later in life and throughout adulthood.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.