4 Ways To Find Out How Much Time Wasted on LOL (League of Legends) - Daily Game (2024)

For many gamers, League of Legends (LOL) has become a way of life. This immensely popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game has captivated millions of players around the world with its addictive gameplay, diverse champion roster, and intense competitive scene. However, as with any highly engaging game, it’s easy to lose track of time when diving into the League of Legends experience.

If you find yourself constantly drawn to the Rift, wondering just how much of your life has been consumed by chasing that next victory, it might be time to take a step back and assess your playtime. In this article, we’ll explore four effective ways to determine just how much time you’ve spent playing LOL, so you can make informed decisions about your gaming habits.

4 Ways To Find Out How Much Time Wasted on LOL (League of Legends) - Daily Game (1)

Utilize In-Game Time Tracking

One of the most straightforward methods to track your League of Legends playtime is through the game’s built-in time tracking features. Riot Games, the developer of LOL, has made it relatively easy for players to monitor their overall time investment in the game.

To access your in-game time tracking information, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the League of Legends client and log into your account.
  2. In the main menu, locate the “Profile” section, often represented by an icon of your champion or summoner icon.
  3. Click on the “Profile” section, and you should see a breakdown of your gameplay statistics, including the total time played.

This total time played statistic will give you a cumulative overview of the hours you’ve dedicated to League of Legends. Keep in mind that this only accounts for the time spent actively in matches and does not include time spent in the client, researching builds, or engaging with the community.

While the in-game time tracking is a valuable starting point, it may not provide the complete picture of your overall League of Legends involvement. To gain a more comprehensive understanding, you can explore additional methods to track your playtime.

Utilize Third-Party Tracking Tools

In addition to the built-in time tracking features within the League of Legends client, there are various third-party tools and websites that can provide even more detailed insights into your playtime.

One popular option is the use of desktop application tracking software, such as:

  • RescueTime
  • Toggl
  • ManicTime

These tools can be installed on your computer and will monitor your overall computer usage, including the time spent in the League of Legends client. By analyzing your activity logs, these applications can generate detailed reports on the specific amount of time you’ve dedicated to the game.

Another approach is to utilize dedicated League of Legends tracking websites, such as:

  • LoLTime.com
  • OP.GG
  • LeagueOfGraphs.com

These sites often require you to link your League of Legends account, after which they can pull data directly from Riot’s API to provide comprehensive statistics on your gameplay. This includes not only your total playtime but also more granular information like your match history, champion preferences, and performance metrics.

By employing both in-game tracking and third-party tools, you’ll be able to gain a more holistic understanding of your League of Legends time investment, helping you make informed decisions about your gaming habits.

4 Ways To Find Out How Much Time Wasted on LOL (League of Legends) - Daily Game (2)

Analyze Your Match History

Another effective way to assess your League of Legends playtime is by delving into your match history. This approach allows you to not only track the total hours spent in the game but also provides insights into the individual matches and how they contribute to your overall time investment.

To access your match history and analyze your playtime:

  1. Navigate to your League of Legends profile, either through the in-game client or a third-party tracking website.
  2. Locate the “Match History” section, which will display a list of your recent games.
  3. For each match, take note of the duration, which is typically displayed in the format of minutes:seconds (e.g., 35:12).
  4. Add up the durations of all the matches in your history to calculate your total playtime.

Keep in mind that your match history may only display a limited number of your most recent games, depending on the platform you’re using. To get a more comprehensive view, you can utilize third-party websites that offer expanded match history tracking and analysis.

By examining your match history, you’ll gain a better understanding of the specific time you’ve spent in active gameplay, which can be a valuable complement to the overall time tracking provided by the in-game and third-party tools.

Calculate Your Weekly or Monthly Playtime

The final approach to determining your League of Legends playtime involves a more structured and proactive method of tracking your gaming habits over time.

Instead of relying solely on cumulative totals, consider calculating your weekly or monthly playtime. This can provide valuable insights into the patterns and trends of your League of Legends engagement, helping you identify potential areas for improvement or moderation.

To calculate your weekly or monthly playtime:

  1. Choose a timeframe to track, such as a week or a month.
  2. Keep a daily log of the time you spend playing League of Legends, either by manually tracking it or using one of the previously mentioned tools.
  3. At the end of the chosen timeframe, add up the total hours you spent playing to get your weekly or monthly playtime.

By tracking your playtime on a more granular, regular basis, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify peak gaming periods or days of the week when you tend to play more.
  • Recognize any significant changes in your playtime over time, which could indicate a need for adjustments to your gaming habits.
  • Set realistic goals or limits for your weekly or monthly League of Legends playtime.

Combining this weekly or monthly playtime calculation with the other methods discussed can provide a comprehensive understanding of your League of Legends time investment, empowering you to make informed decisions about your gaming priorities and work-life balance.

4 Ways To Find Out How Much Time Wasted on LOL (League of Legends) - Daily Game (3)


Tracking your time spent playing League of Legends is an essential step in maintaining a healthy and balanced gaming lifestyle. By utilizing the in-game time tracking features, leveraging third-party tools, analyzing your match history, and calculating your weekly or monthly playtime, you can gain valuable insights into your League of Legends engagement.

Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions about your gaming habits, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that your time investment in League of Legends aligns with your overall life priorities. Remember, moderation and balance are key when it comes to enjoying the League of Legends experience, and these time-tracking methods can be instrumental in helping you achieve that balance.

4 Ways To Find Out How Much Time Wasted on LOL (League of Legends) - Daily Game (2024)
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